can anyone tell what exactly changed? Is it just a payment so you can ignore spirit stones and ads?
Introducing the Premium program BETA, giving you advanced chapters!
Tomz so, this system is not like patreon, just pay 1x per month, then i can read all the chapters in qidian for free?
This system same with chinese qidian? pay per chapter?Immortal mortal has 21 regular chapters for now, so the premium chapters include the regular chapters? or the premium chapters are chapters outside regular chapters.
can someone help me to answer this? just for people who truly understand
[unknown] Answer this @[deleted] you knowledgeable man.
Paying for advanced chapters seems fair, why change the model for free users though?
So we gotta be more selective in novels now
Hey guys, why are so worked up they are just having patreon here instead of that site. That's it nothing's changed. As simple as that
Will the spirit stones still have a time limit and expire?
How do you become a premium user? How can you purchase spirit stones?
DaoistBashful Premium for free novels are chapters that are released for free, you don't have to use SS to read it. While in Premium novels not for free, you have to use SS in order to read. These PFF chapters are being released in a scheduled manner.
kishoregoku You can purchase spirit stones through paypal. But you can also get it for free, just log in every day, invite friends etc etc.
Tomz That's pay per chapter, for now at least. Like you said, Immortal mortal's 21 regular chapters include the premium chapters. In fact, all the new chapters of Immortal mortal are premium chapters from now on I guess. For example, 21 chapters are updated in one week and for free users, only 7 of them will be set to free chapters day by day. As a result, the gap between the newest free chapter and the actual newest one will be bigger and bigger
Hello quidan, can you hide the title chapters? This just give us spoilers to whom who cant pay. Its seriously suck as hell.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL 14 spirit stones? And you get to read 1 1/16 novel a day..good. awesome.
yevel I think its part of the new strategy marketing, getting u hooked up unable to resist that "locked" page lol
Exp_Sect_GM mmhh is it just me or is sarcasm spread all over your comment? Jk