PhatKidLovesCake nope the only novels that are premium are those listed the rest do not have an SS increase
Introducing the Premium program BETA, giving you advanced chapters!
noobslayer if days im okay but week its killing me if it meet god damn general cliff
If this like sub for several something for all access im okay but buy every god damn ss for chapter that quick release for 8 ss and have to wait for days or weeks (probably) this is killing my pocket soon
At least ads for those who really need it not killing most people
People are on outrage now
ey looks like I'm gonna eventually stop using qidian nice
Good. Time to drop RTW and find another hobby.
You know what will happen? The newest chapters will just be pirated and posted elsewhere. The greedy people that never learn are those who again and again try to return to unsuccessful distribution models. If Qidan becomes fully commercial, it will just mean other site will replace it with same content.
To ask a question that's probably in the minds of others:
Will more stories be added unto the premium program?
Personal question:
Is the program based on popularity of the novel or based on something else?
With Qidian going premium I hope attention is paid to Quality Control, there is nothing more annoying than paying for a chapter to find it has many grammatical mistakes, spelling mistakes, even incorrect character / technique names in random places.
At the moment I put with these errors, especially on fast releasing novels like Immortal Mortal as the chapters are basically free, but if I'm paying for the content I would insist that you have it be properly QC'd.
just don't be too updated and wait it to be unlock T_T i hope i can do it.
I want QI to release all the RTW and IM chapters and make them premium!! I need to read them!!! T_T
ActiasLuna thanks. They never really explained how this premium thing worked.
NineNeatherBird SS expires now so it DEFINITELY affects you lmao
If I use spirit stones to read ahead for 2 chapters, do I still get 7 free chapters a week or only 5?
let say we have premium chapter from 10-20.. on normal occasion.. eventually chapter 10 will become free chapter to read after given of some time.. so let say that if i use ss to unlock chapter 10 now.. then by the time that i can use free chapter on chapter 10.. should i be able to use this free chapter on chapter 11 or i will have to wait for some other time until chapter 11 is scheduled to become a free chapter?
if that is the case.. then it is no point waiting for a chapter to become free once u use them to unlock these chapter if it is suppose to only become free chapter on scheduled time
thestatsguy Uh, no. They fucked the Free user system too. 8-15+ SS to unlock a chapter now. And I think they removed the referral system too.
85th on the hall of fame. Kinda far away from 1 but ok
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DarkGem For how long tho? That's the question... This is how Qidian works. They implement things slowly. We are like frogs that are slowly boiling. We don't notice it since Qi doesn't throw us into a boiling pot immediately. If they did that we would just jump out. But by increasing the temperature slowly, us frogs will stay untill we boil and die...