Noire The way I see it, Flaffy is bringing a good point about ensuring quality as an important responsability of qidian if they want to start a premium program, and also, the fact that most people (including me) are having a lot of problems trying to understand what is qidian even saying with their first post, was it intentional or not it is not something I know.
Noire I am answering posts here because its been annoying me for the longest time. From novel updates up to this announcement. Instead of people interacting genuinely with fellow readers, we have dozens of other people just maliciously bashing on it.
About your critisism about the comunity not liking this premium system (and according to how I understand your stance: demonzing iti) and complaining about it are not exactly wrong, this premium program already shows a few problems for the comunity, if it will ruin qidian to some people or not will be shown by time and will depend of everyones opinion, but if they found problems they must show them as fast as posible because is this thread gets buried or forgotten by them in a few days, those problems will stay, and then it will be close to implosible to change it.
Noire You will smile when SS and future chapters are forever behind a paywall? That means you're either a sadist or just gloating of how smart you are and figured everything out. :D
Oh sorry, I misread that part. Why would you tell me to be grateful? I will be grateful, at least now there will be no people like you :D That keeps spreading fear even in the only place where people can escape their apathetic and cruel reality.Noire Seriously, good job guys, good job. Support your favorite website instead of maliciously hanging around here
whichever good point you may have about why the premium progam it is not as bad as some people make it sound is lost by writing stuff like that because, at least from my perspective, it is not as valid becuase I feel more grudge instead of a problem with the argument itself