N0xiety You can talk to the translators on the discord I am getting this stuff from them. Im not talking out my arse. I'm a patreon to a lot of translators too so I join the smaller webnovel specific discord channels and talk to them as well.

Some are fine with it, some want to wait and see how it works our for the other translators bedore leaving patreon. Some dont want to leave patreon bevause it gives all money to the translator unlike quidan system that gives money to the platform quidan, the author who wrote that story your reading, and the translator as well.

A lot of the translators do this as their job. Some of the larger groups see it as a business to run.

    Zenobys You were not kidding when you stated it’s a long post. Thanks for shorten version at the end tho.

    I would be lying if I say I am not bother by the premium. Yes, I am bother. I am concern. Why? Because I am a cheap person. As long as I can read novels for free on QI I don’t give a darn about the set back. As of the moment, the novels I am currently reading have one update per day. Some day, there is no updates at all and I still survived. If QI free premium is similar to that (and correct me if I am wrong) then I am fine with it. Besides, my favorite novels are not even host on QI.

      I dont understand, in the end, it will be free
      Theres too many untranslated novel in here, it just nightmare if everything turned to premium.
      I hope this update will give QI dev some feedback to improve their system. Maintaining this app/web to be better. I use QI app because its easy to use. So, Tax+Dev+TL+ED, they need money, its normal. Dont forget, they need income too, its bussiness. This thing is not from fans :'(
      Just give them feedback, what we need, and what they need, good for us, good for them.

      I am curious though, for example a novel has 7 free chapters and 7 premium chapters a week, if you use ss to paying for 5 chapters, do you get 2 or 7 free chapters in that week?

      In short, when a free chapter is released, do you get another free chapter on top of what you paid for?

        SRandom I don't think so. It is like you pay for time instead of the chapter. You pay SS to get the chap a day advance.

          I'll probably support the new Qi in every other days, comparing the prizes from the two sites.
          I'll probably save 10% when I read here. still what a pleb like me can do. /shrugs/

            Zenobys i dont know about financial things in QI but i interpretation it as if you pick your rights to read premium chapters then you will lose your rights get free daily update. It is same as money blackhole and why we lose our rights in the first place even we pay it for lose it

              i dont mind with premium user, they deserve advanced chapter, my problem is the premium chapter wont change back to free chapter if there's a new chapter update, all the new chapter update will become premium chapter and old premium chapter will stay premium.
              for example RTW: they will realase 17 chapter a week, 7 free chapter + 10 premium chapter
              and now i stuck at chapter 695 since yesterday with 12 premium and no free chapter at all, old premium chapter stay premium and its not even a week yet

              6 years later

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