zetsubouaichan Sure, I'll take a look at the idol one. Isn't that cover from Bang Dream?
i need review on my work
kazesenken You're right. It is from Bang Dream.
I'll get back to you once I finished :)
Done. Help me with mine too, when you're free.
I am going to review your's please make time to review mine
Kamlyn Hi, would you like to review swap with me?
Here's mine: https://www.webnovel.com/book/14408250005251405
XOMatsumaeohana Also mine too. Hope you wont forget me. huhu.
Yes. I am interested.
Peachwoodgirl6 I am done with yours.
Help with mine too.
Kamlyn done!
Gourmet_DAO Done from my side too..
Kamlyn Thnx a lot!
Kamlyn Done with yours :)
Kamlyn Yep, reading it right now.
kazesenken I'm done with yours. Interesting book. I hope to read more of it soon.
Ah! Then I'll love to try
Do I've to provide you a review?
Kamlyn And done with the honest review.
LordSputnik I read it. And working on yours now.