It seems like there are a lot of questions over Inkstone every day, even though it's really a straightforward interface. So, for all of the not tech-savvy people, here is a guide on how to use it!

#1 though, before we get to anything detailed, note that this entire guide will be based on the DESKTOP version of Inkstone! This is because the desktop version is the one with the least bugs, has the easiest interface, and has the most functions, so go on desktop to do all your Inkstone things. That's my first piece of advice.

(There is also a compilation of common bug reports below this FAQ for all those who are experiencing Inkstone/writing related bugs and want to see if others are experiencing the same problems.)

What is Inkstone?

Inkstone is a writing platform implemented by Webnovel to give the users of the site a chance to publish their own original novels.
You can access Inkstone by clicking the "Create" button, which will redirect you to this link:


How do I create a novel?

When you first access Inkstone, it should look somewhat similar to the picture below. If you don't have any novels published, it will obviously differ a little than the picture below, but it should give you a general idea that you're looking at the right screen. (If you don't, you're most likely looking at the "sign-in" screen. If so, log in with your Webnovel account, and this should be the next screen you see.)


A quick explanation to what you see: To the left is your toolbar. This gives you all the links and buttons to direct you to other parts of Inkstone. Automatically, your dashboard should be the first thing you see every single time you access Inkstone (or once you sign in). The dashboard will be where your novels and statistics will be displayed. You can scroll down on this page and look at all your stats.

Once you're on this page, look to the side toolbar.


In this main section, hover over "Workspace". A new button called "Stories" should show up. Click that.

Next, you will see a page with all of your novels, if any, listed. This section is divided between "Novels and "Fanfics". Depending on the type of story you have, you will want to choose whichever section corresponds with the type of novel you're writing. (Novel = original, not fanfiction). Look to the top right corner, and you should a button with a plus sign and "Create A Story". Click this.


Once you've clicked this, you should arrive a page that looks like this.


This is the page where you want to complete your story info. Make sure you read all the text on the screen carefully to complete it with the correct information. You can also complete the story info later, as mentioned above the screen. Once you're finished, click the blue "Create" button.

And congrats! You just created a new story! :tada:

How do I write a new chapter?

First things first, it is highly recommended that you don't use Inkstone as your main text editor for new chapters. Because Inkstone doesn't have an autosave functions for your chapters, you should write on other platforms (rec: Google Docs) to make sure you don't lose all your progress on accident. Then, you can upload your new chapters on Inkstone through copy and pasting, so it's all very convenient.

Now, if you want to upload a new chapter, here are the steps.

First, get yourself to the "Stories page. (Instructions for this are on the question before this one if you need help.) Next, you should see something like this displayed on the page.


Find the story you want to upload a new chapter for, then click the blue "Explore" button. This should take you to a page that looks like this.


On this page, you can manage your chapters. But what you really want to do is to click that blue "Create Chapter" button in the top right corner.


This brings you to the Inkstone text editor. Now, you can write whatever you want. :) When you're finished, be sure to click the "Save" or "Publish" button, depending on what you want to do with the chapter. "Save" makes your chapter a draft, "Publish" releases your chapter to the public.

Where are the formatting options?

Sadly, as of this moment, only contracted authors and translators have access to formatting, such as bold or italics. In the future, hopefully, Webnovel will release this feature to everyone! :grin:

I have problems with my book cover.

For all book cover related questions, visit the separate Book Cover FAQ!

How do I reorder my chapters?

On your dashboard, look to the side toolbar.


Hover over "Workspace". A new button called "Stories" should show up. Click that to get to your stories.

Next, you should see something like this displayed on the page.


Find the story you want to reorganize chapters for, then click the blue "Explore" button. This should take you to a page that looks like the image below. Click "Published".


Once you're at the published tab, there should be an "adjust sequence" option that you can reorder your chapters by clicking and dragging. It's fairly self explanatory.


How do I edit my story information?

If after publishing your novel, you want to change any of your information (title, synopsis, genre, tags, etc.), simply get yourself to this page (following part of the instructions of the question above, or through Workspace > Stories > Explore):


Click the settings button (shaped like a gear)


This will take you to all the settings you want to change. Once you're finished editing your story info, remember to click "Save" at the bottom.

How do tags work?

There is currently only one way that tags (which are used to categorize your novel so that readers who want to read specific things can discover your novel) can be added to your story.

In Inkstone, there is an option where you can add tags yourself. To do this (if you're trying to add tags after you've published your book; if you are just creating your novel, you should be able to add tags before your novel is even published while you are filling out information), access the setting button.


Then, scroll down until you see the section that says "Tags" To add tags (10 max), simply type in your tags & press the enter key to add the tag. It should look similar to this when you've added a couple of tags.


How do I delete my novel?

As of right now, you can't delete your novel from Inkstone. (Hopefully though, this function will be coming out soon!) Some alternatives include deleting all your chapters, synopsis, reviews, and marking your novel as "Deleted" though.

How do I get a contract? (What is a contract?)

Webnovel offers contracts (= money, employment, jobs, all that good stuff :money_with_wings: ) to novels that they see potential in. Sometimes, the content editors will contact you themselves, but many times, you can also directly apply to them for a contract. There are a few requirements to this though. Make sure your novel has 50,000 or more words and a stable release rate, and you'll be eligible for a contract.

If you do, you can fill out this form.

For more information about contracts, you can visit Webnovel's official contract FAQ too. Link Here.

Can I write a novel in a language other than English?

Yes, you can write novels in any language-- the majority of readers/writers on Webnovel just choose to use English though.

How can I view comments on my story/receive other notifications about reader interactions with my story?

Webnovel has implemented options in the app inbox where you can view notifications involving readers commenting on your novel, send gifts, vote with stones, and etc. However, if you don't have the app/prefer to use desktop/or for whatever reason, you can also view these notifications in Inkstone.

To get to this function, first go to your normal dashboard.


Then, in the toolbar, click the button that says "Inbox"


You should now see a screen that looks like this:


When you click the buttons on the side, you should be able to view and interact with the things that you want to!

Bug List

Here are a list of known bugs. If any bugs are solved or if new ones arise, please drop a comment down below to inform me, so I can update this list.

  • Issues with updating on app, where the bottom half of your novel will not be updated.

That's about it for the FAQ! If you have any questions, feel free to ask below & I will do my best to answer them or add them to the FAQ itself, depending on what the question is. Hope this helped to clear some confusion out over Inkstone, and happy writing! :pencil: :blush:

    SinB yep yep yep
    just trying to be a good person.

    congrats on being first haha! :tada: :smile:

      yaoyueyi love you and thank you so much.. Hope new writer will see this.

      And really love this ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜Š

      yaoyueyi This is because the desktop version is the one with the least bugs, has the easiest interface

        Mostly, I did everything just with my instinct (browsing everything in here). But this will really help the new authors who still lost their way in everything here. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

          Yuki_Qing yeees they need to use desktop!!
          there are so many times where people are complaining about inkstone being a difficult interface bUT if they would ue desktop all of their problems would be solved asklfojhaiofha

          Elise_Elleneth I think that if most people just tried to browse around and play with the interface for like 15 minutes, they'll be able to figure out everything too, but a lot are just really not tech-savvy at all or very impatient. so yeah, hopefully it helps those that want instant. convenient answers! :D

            Thank you for bothering to do all this. This should help quite a lot if beginners, while also keeping the forum somewhat cleaner by pooling all related questions here.

              DaddyFishGotBigPp hopefully so :')
              (except, with my experience w/ my previous pinned book cover faq, even if it's pinned, people are still not going to read the first few threads & then go and start off 2190841098 new ones as usual... just hoping that this thread will cut down the influx of inkstone questions by about... 50%? lol)

              a month later

              A very useful thread for those who is still new to Inkstone and not a tech person.

                Looks like a top of the line guide/FAQ from what I could see.

                Well done.

                  Clowniac sadly, I believe the record of having three pinned threads will be a little hard to achieve... :( but!! I will hope for the forum mod gods to bless me with a pin.

                    11 days later

                    What is the category section for when we fill up the novel information page?

                      a month later

                      ok, so explanation to the testing: I can't write any new posts on my diary. it's wack.

                        Lilliny yeah. I'm wondering if maybe I said something too controversial and the thread got somehow locked. or my account has issues. but it's just weird. :/

                          It's likely just buggy; I had issues making a new post because it contained a link to story, on webnovel.

                            Acutelittletrap I guess
                            I tried 2 different posts. 1 with links & another without links. both failed. :cry:

                              yaoyueyi This is pinned right? If not , it should be. Your guides are always handy. Thanks heaps for doing this.

                                Re links: I've been getting "you don't have permission..." error when posting a masked image link.

                                Ironically, I've been easily able to post gif links here.

                                  Veronica8 Yeah I just wanna post my memes so my jokes land harder in my roasts. This isn't fair, I can't express myself fully.
                                  EMOJI'S AREN'T ENOUGH. :cry:

                                  Veronica8 it's not pinned :frowning: webnovel's probably like "she has too much of a history of pinned threads, no more pins"

                                  Too many pins. That's prejudice. Evil admins unfairly judging based on personal ideals. jk I know nothing just crushing this thread

                                    Lilliny (ร’.รณ) hmm. Stalking, I could expect no less from you.

                                    Hi, how do I make money like setting up an unlock chapter, thanks

                                      Hi, how do I make money like setting up an unlock chapter, thanks

                                        Lilliny Thank you, but if I still can get the spirit stone if I post it, will I get the money, thank you very much

                                          Ame_no_yoru You will get spirit stones, but they will be worth nothing. With un-contracted novels it's just a popularity vote, increasing the likely-hood that your work gets contracted.
                                          Since you said you're translating something, I'm not even sure you're even allowed to post to WN unless you work for them directly.

                                            Web Novel Novel Ask