Clowniac Ok, let me bow down first. m(._.)m
And nah... I didn't see you as an asshole, just a condescending and slightly bitter person? I mean, I almost compared you to a Mr./Ms. thundercloud, who didn't get to eat his/her bowl of sunshine this morning.

StenDuring The OP offered this suggestion from a reader's perspective, though. Not from an author's view that would like WN to help them write their stories better. I'm also a reader, and it's true what Clowniac previously said, on point #4 of his previous post, that I'm the kind of reader who is willing to disregard glaring errors as long as I like the story's plot and characters. But it doesn't mean I don't want better value for my money. And if this kind of integration would give us that good ol' bit quality assurance, then why not? And please, by all means, stay with your word processor, you're probably one of those authors who, like Clowniac, don't need help with your grammar anyway.

And honestly, I still don't understand why was there a need to shoot down this suggestion just like that?

"No! No need for Grammarly integration!"
"No! It's the authors' responsibilities! Those who don't provide good quality work are just lazy authors!"

Fine, chide those authors as much as you want for being lazy, but as a reader, what's my option, then? Just suck it up or leave the app?

My point is, please don't shoot down suggestions like this, just because you all think you know better. Don't be a little ray of pitch black. And whether or not this suggestion would be accepted or not, it's not up to me, to you, or the OP, hence it's a suggestion. In the end, it's up to WN whether or not they're going to implement it.


    Hahahaha, condescending and slightly bitter. That's about accurate, honestly. lol

    I'm genuinely a very kind and friendly person, but after I crossed thirty years old, something in me broke, and my ability to censor my inner crabby old geezer suddenly seemed to disappear when faced with certain triggers.

    So, in other words, get off mah lawn, ya damn whipper-snappers! ( ゚Д゚)<!!


      I believe you misunderstood me. Given the bloody awful editor that inkstone is today I'm rather horrified by the prospect of the interface forcing grammar correction down my throat without me having an opportunity to turn the bloody thing off.

      We are, after all, talking about a piece of trash that doesn't support bold, italics or blank lines...

      Clowniac Excuse, excuse, excuse... I'm also way beyond thirty, and while it's true that I have far fewer fucks in my pocket to give now, but hey, I can still control my inner bitch and be a nice person ;)


        You are a better person than I am. Lol. I think i just enjoy being grumpy. XD

          Tomoyuki My limited understanding of Webnovel (based upon free lurking) is that getting a basic "premium" contract as an author is primarily based upon reader #s and basic premise... all of which seems to be taken quite lightly as the author's low level of compensation is based upon paid spirit stones and not ad-share, reader time, etc. (all of which could be incorrect)... but 'novice' refers to time in the trenches and level of expertise AND 'premium' means paid content (instead of the original definition of "of high/limited quality")... So, a novice may be a premium content provider.

          Webnovel/ QI would be better served by not signing authors to paid contracts until writers are providing well-written copy content regardless of whether the writer or a 3rd party does the copy editing and story guidance. You said it... a professional is supposed to have their shit together... even if writing is a hobby, when the output is available for purchase (even SS) then that work product should be required to be of a market quality (even if that is the market's introductory level).


          Arguably English is not a second language for several of those writers but rather a foreign language. I'm aware that the distinction is somewhat fluid.

          For example, I'm Swedish, and thus I belong to a small group of nations with a comparatively absurd (average) proficiency in the English language. Still, the opinions vary whether English is a second language or foreign language in Sweden.

          While it's mandatory in school, even given special grading status, it's still not a language officially used here. In that sense it's a foreign language.

          Then there was the mandatory and special grading part. Swedish, English and Math are handled differently when it comes to which subjects you're allowed to fail in order to be considered to have completed primary and secondary education. In that sense English is a second language.

          There's also a pratical layman aspect. TV and movies are subbed because dubbing is simply a stupid overhead. Basically every bookstore comes with a large and well-assorted section of books in English. In that sense English is a second language here (even though the subbing part goes for the occasional movie in Chinese as well) since were in contact with the language more or less every day.

            StenDuring I didn't come up with the abbreviation. ThyUnknownSaint asked what ESL means, which was used by the OP and other posters here. And ESL = English as a Second Language.

            I know about English as a Foreign Language as well. That's EFL. And there is indeed a subtle difference between ESL and EFL, but that's beside the point, isn't it?

            Honestly, I don't know why we're even discussing about this...

            4 years later

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