• Diss
  • Premium System is a rip-off

got the same problem bro. :(

    I don't exactly see a problem with the system itself.
    The only thing thats making me uneasy is the fact that apparently with the double release speed from premium chapters, you have a potentially Huge diference between the free chapters and the premium ones.
    Say i someone started reading today a novel that just became premium with a release schedule of 7free/14premium a week.
    if you are constantly as soon as its out you should technically have to pay for a chapter a day right?
    but what if a month from now you start reading the same novel?
    the premium chapters are already 28 or more chapters ahead of you.

    And thats the best case scenario.
    In the other case, you have to pay for 1 chapter on the first day and 2 every day after.
    Because technically the chapter YOU ALREADY PAID FOR YESTERDAY is the free chapter of the day.
    and if for some reason you don't pay for a chapter to get a free one after a Month or so, well you have to wait half a month for that.

    I understand the Logic behind the system. it makes sense to pay more for more content, but there is a slight problem when what you paid for becomes free after and you have to keep paying to maintain your reading.
    If the system counted the chapters you paid for when providing access to more chapters i would feel more comfortable with it, because hey, if you want to pay to read ahead thats your choice.

    tl;dr: nothing wrong with the system itself per say, but it would be less aggressive towards us if bought chapters somehow counted when determining what we get for free.
    You essentially lose a chapter you paid for daily.

      I am reading immortal mortal and as i didn't like tout wait to read the last chapter i bought somme spirit stones to unlock them.
      But i found the 11-12 ss a little too much.
      A third of that would be more affordable as It is already for other titre.
      A fixed standard of ss by chapter for all book is a must.

        True but it's how they gather money, of course. Just to keep this place alive. One thing's for sure, it's not a good idea to have a lot of novels that is premium..

        Doubt anyone will read but heres a piece of my mind. First all was free.. thn the ads came.. this i do not mind basically just delaying the reading for about 15 seconds not much.. and now this premium thing came... honestly with the way this premium is.. or at least the way i see it.. this looks like a friendly scam... so ur telling me i can pay like 20$ and have 15+ chapters available to me on the spot.... well now i ask this... with 20$ i can just go to a library and purchase a physical FULL edited revised translated or not book.... i know the contents won't be the same has there's a major difference between oriental and western writting but to be honest it's something i can live with... now you may argue but chinese novels are bigger so you wouldnt pay just 20$ for a chinese book... well to that i say... ye id pay like 60$ for a book same size and itd be completed and not just tease me with like 1/40 of the book content....

        Tldr i guess....I don't really like this new system and personally i feel like this is just a way for squeezing money from the qidian users.

          yabbahx For me, I can wait a couple of days. Reading is just my hobby you see, and it's nothing for me to wait I'm patient. Yes you said that we can buy books with 20$ but for me it still different in webnovel ( at least for me) novels here keep me entertained lol and I just have to carry my phone instead of five books cause its pretty heavy lol hahaha Though I myself haven't purchased SS >_> I'm just a poor man T_T Well as a free reader I can't really complain cause I'm still reading for free hahaha Tho you have a point there mate :D

            well for me i stop reading those premium its a waste of ss for a free reader like me and wait for a month and find some good novels that i did not read, there's too many good novels in novelupdates.com and royalroadl.com . i know most of you know this right?

              hecharles has i said.. ' yes i know the contents of the books are different from oriental writting to western' but that is something i dont mind considering theres alot of good books in any type of category.. i dont see where paying close to 150$ or more for a book translation in which u will only have access to final product in like 1year.... with thosr 150$ i could just pay someone to fully translate a book for me and only have to wait like a week or 2 ...

              Hope my point was understood

                hecharles quidian didn't start the translation scene. Places like SPCNET's forum and wuxiaworld and translators like he-man, RWX, and Deathblade. Quidian just jumped in and took over because they saw a cash cow while the translation scene did this because they love it.

                  Nopenotmything some libraries have ebook lending. You should ask your local library if they participate!

                  Of course, you can always pirate books. All those $300+ college textbooks that we only used 7 pages of. Ah, the good old days. If you're going to be a college freshman, don't buy any of the "required" textbooks before your second class to find out if you really need to bring it to class. Ah, but now I've gone off topic.

                  Anywho, if you're willing to pay Qidian for more chapters, why don't you pay Amazon for their collection. Or just look around for the free books on Amazon. They exist.

                    Kalrock i also read at wuxiaworld. My point is the author and translator have a family to feed.. as for wuxiaworld and qidian drama, both side are wrong in my perspective, qidian has the copyright in the first place but still wuxiaworld translate without permission, until the failed partnership contract between rwx and qidian.. so which side wrong in the first place?. About how qidian revenue system strategy, it's the same with iphone, why so many people still buying overprice iphone if there so many cheap android phone. Why don't apple lower their price? If you can't afford it don't buy it, find something else. For the pirate book, do you think the author and translator will keep write if the money they get not enough to feed their family?

                      yabbahx good luck to find translator who want to translate thousand of chapter for only $150..

                      hecharles Actually, piracy is a very good way for people to experience something while they don't have the financial means to do so. These people may later legitimately pay for them when they do have extra cash lying around. These people will also recommend these media to their friends, thus increasing the potential number of consumers who may follow the same path as their friends or outright purchase the media. In a way, piracy can actually increase the market share of the producer.


                        You want to read quality work you go to wuxiaworld, you want to read for quantity you go to quidan. They both have permission to translate the works. What wuxiaworld is known better for is actually completing novel because they have quite a few completed novels series and some can be up to 2000 chapters. How long do you think it will take for quidan to translate 2000 chapters of a series at lets say 7 chapters for free and 14 premium. I could probably go to wuxiaworld and read all the completed series on their site before quidan actually finishes one series and that's extreme.

                        dlwlrma I've waited for more than 3 days for rtw (13 unread) and I still have to pay ss for all of the unread chapters.

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