Okay, so I've been having a bit of trouble of keeping myself motivated lately, and I want to know how other authors get over this troublesome issue called the 'writer's block'.

Just to be clear, I'm not having trouble in how to write. Rather, it's more like how to keep myself motivated in writing. After work, my mind just goes all over the place and I have trouble in keeping myself focused and motivated to continue my work. Lack of energy maybe, but motivation I'm sure of it.

I just listen to music whenever it happens and this method helps me relax, but sometimes, it won't work and I'm wondering how other writers do it.

So, guys, got any suggestions?

Also, new writers are welcome to do promotions of their work here. Just remember to introduce yourselves, give some description about your novel, and be polite to everyone.

I'm willing to do a review swap even if you are in need of it, but I hope you don't mind if mine gets delayed. I kinda have a busy schedule these days. and this writer's block ain't helping me at all.

Here's mine to anyone's interested:


It's a fan-fic crossover story of FF15 to Fate Series and other worlds. It has various elements from other animes as well (like Mahoutsukai Koukou no Rettousei, for example).

Oh, and word of warning, my story takes after the visual novel of the Fate Series, so if you are into a story with long detailed chapters and a bit slow in pacing, feel free to give mine a try. If you have questions about my story, you can leave a comment or a reply in this discussions, I don't mind either way.

Thank you for taking the time to read all of that, but guys, don't forget the main topic of this discussion.

    Happens to me all the time. The best fix for me was putting your writing program in full screen. By fullscreen I mean the thing you get when you press f11 in most program, or alt+v then u in microsoft word. Next is probably just up to your determination not to press esc and distract yourself 🤣

    Another one that helps is plotting down what you plan to write in the chapter before actually writing it. It will make writing faster and you won't feel tired easily. At least these two methods works for me.

      Regius_Sanguis Okay, so I've been having a bit of trouble of keeping myself motivated lately, and I want to know how other authors get over this troublesome issue called the 'writer's block'.

      How I get myself motivated when I'm stuck, I game.

      Whenever I'm slicing, dicing, shooting out demons as some kick-ass game character, my mind naturally starts to think out story strategies and possible character types I could use. A lot of my ideas come when I just let my hands go wild on a video game.

      Now days my problem is finding time and setting into a routine to finish 6 x WIP in progress that's here or elsewhere.


        You mean outlining the story? Yes, I've done that. It helps in giving me a clearer picture of what I want to happen in the story next every time I'm writing a chapter.

        It's the motivation (no, I'm not quoting Normani's song here) that I have a struggle with. Every time I put my hands on the keyboard, my mind would divert its attention elsewhere, and I don't know what to do with it.


          Hey, V. Nice to see you here! :D

          And yes, I've tried that too. I play FGO and Call of Duty whenever that happens. It works most of the time, but there are times where it doesn't as well. When it does happen, I just let my mind rest by taking a nap.

          But I wake up and there's still no motivation to write, which sucks by the way...

            Regius_Sanguis Outlining stories are like the big part where you outline what happens in the whole story. Outlining the chapter is just what happen in that small chapter. For me, those are different. Idk if that makes sense to you 🤣

            And yes, try fullscreen if you keep getting distracted. Write for 25mins, rest for 5-10mins where you do anything else other than writing, then write again for 25mins.

            Fullscreen ≠ Maximize screen btw 👀


              Uh yeah, I actually meant outlining a story per chapter.

              And just keep on writing, huh? Sh*t, that's like staring at the wall and making friends with shadows for me at my current state! 😂 😂

                Regius_Sanguis It's alright! Tbh, I am also experiencing burnout for one of my project after reaching the 150k words threshold 😣

                So I just went around and edit the earlier chapters, filling some plot hole and expanding them.

                  Regius_Sanguis yeah. Those days will happen. Its usually a good time to just break and do something else.

                  A story is like a cat.

                  If to try to force a story to come, it'll stay away. Pretend you're not interested or busy with something else. It tends to wander into the room and want your attention.

                  I think a Writer's block is like those times when you want to write, but your brain wants to rest. 😁

                  Outlining doesn't have to be hard. It's best to keep it high level so you don't restrict yourself. Also write to answer plot questions can help.

                  An example of a top-down outline really simple.

                  Overarching book plot: Writer suffers 9 years of writers block. His editor tells him he has to write a book or the world will end. He writes book. World is saved.

                  Vol 1:Writer suffers 9 years of writers block. He must overcome it at end of this volume

                  Chp 1 to 10 - intro writer, his crew and what he's doing, should be doing and isn't doing.
                  - Has his main motivation been introduced?
                  - Has the main support been introduced?
                  - What's he doing?

                  Vol 2: Writer suffers 9 years of writers block. His editor tells him he has to write a book or the world will end. He has overcome his writers block at end of Vol. 1, but now he must write the book to save the world.

                  Chp 11 to 20....

                  I use this kind of format with my stories. It helps me with continuity since I write in series. I developed this method to make it my own from various skills I learned in game script training and other writing courses.
                  My method is called Unfold


                    Huh, that's actually a pretty good idea. Thank you for the suggestion. I'll try doing that whenever I'm in that funk! :D

                    And seriously? 150k words? Respect, man! 😁😁


                      Like a cat? That's the first I've heard of it, but yes, it does feel like that.

                      I want to continue writing, but my brain just doesn't want to cooperate most of the time. And I like the way the name of your method. It's very gamer like! 😁😁

                      Thanks for the suggestion and advice. Hopefully, it helps me out once I try it! 😁😁

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