Fast Pass’ expiration means the fast pass itself and not the unlocked chapter.
FP= 7 days
Free SS= 30 days

Unlocking a chapter using free SS did not mean it is locked again after 30 days right? So does using fast pass, a chapter won’t be locked again after 7 days.

In whichever chapter you use a fast pass, it is unlocked forever, just like how unlocking it works using spirit stones.


    Not sure if it's been mentioned but I've tried fast pass on larger chapters 16-18 SS aka coins and it works so it's probably a better deal than mentioned. Course, I'm assuming it'd also work with 3-5 SS chapters but I don't have the heart to try it out 😂

      Tomoyuki 3 weeks ago before the change, we can easily get 40 to 50 ss/coin a day. And we can get a bonus of 50 ss/coin if we log in for a full weeks. The 5 ss/coin check in reward you got is something that changes afterwards. The reward got reduced and the watch video reward also got removed. Qi keep getting more and more greedy as the time goes by.

      Tomoyuki How about they give us the choice if we earn coins or free pass I might get to read less chapters by using coins but at least the chapters remain unlocked the bs free pass is effectively just a one week free rental which I don't favor sooner have chapter permanently unlocked so I can reread it whenever I so choose to do so. Webnovel are changing things for only one reason to try and earn more revenue they don't give a monkeys about helping the users of the site they just want to push them into paying the same way that free online games try to push people into paying. I wouldn't mind paying but if you look at what a normal novel costs to read and compare to online paying you realize it is a massive rip off what they charge per chapter.

      I wonder if webnovel don't want us to read their story anymore or just simply want us to stop reading here by this s***** fast pass, if my coins became 0 cause they don't give us anymore I might just uninstall this app, at least my addiction would finally be stop..

        What you don’t realize is that after the week is up, we only get 1 free pass ticket as a reward for logging in for the week. But before, we got 50 coins. Which did not expire often. Fast passes expire in 7 days. I usually would login until I had about 300 coins, and I’d binge read a comic. Now I can’t even do that. Because they have taken away the chance to save up passes/coins, we now have to read immediately. Some take days to update 1 chapter. What is the point in reading on here anymore? They are screwing up, just like Wattpad has done. I came here FROM Wattpad to post my stories and read other works. But now I don’t want to stay here anymore. It is a waste. I’m not paying. This is ridiculous

        Im gonna be forced to use pirated versions due to this because 3 passes is useless if i want a bunch of chapters that each cost 3-4 coins this cuts down massively on what i could read even with the reductions it was still more than this

        NeverMind71 SAME! I am a binge reader. I’ve literally gotten up to 2000 coins saving up. It took me a very damn long time. And I noticed even then my coins would be taken away if I didn’t read. Now I can’t even save up anymore. Sooooo stupid. Whoever came up with this idea should be fired. Man. I’m fed up with greedy companies. If I were a paid writer I’d even be majorly pissed off. Now people cannot spend as much on works. This means that those who depended on free coins won’t spend the $ for coins. Which means no more supporting the writers—and therefore, they have less viewers and less income. What a joke eh lol

          Tomoyuki im not happy about this update.. 😞
          I cant use the fastpass on the novels that i want to read because this does not work on priviledge chapters..
          Maybe i just have to wait the priviledge to expire..

          Yeah... seeing the comments this is a bigger mess up than the subscription thing they did before... I did suggest the implement of another currency that could only be bought to be used to get things like privilege and other premium services, but this coin/pass thing is bulls*th...
          Taking out the limited time free reading, reducing rewards and trying so much to make readers pay like this will only force readers to go search for pirated versions. Get real. @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL This is not the way you’ll keep your readers here.

          I noted this in another post. I was trying to get a simple understanding of this Fast Past thing. My simple take on this below. Fast Pass is... I think.

          • An item that grants one chapter to be unlocked for free.
          • It has a shelf life of 24hrs across 7 days a week. Basically, only valid on the day of receipt within a 24hr period. Use it in 24hrs on the day it's given. Or it will be gone.
          • It's earned through missions as exampled in the FAQ.
          • You can only use the fast pass for chapters that aren't on privilege or receiving revenue from ads.

          It seems to be only available for PC. At this stage at least. I think Tomoyuki had mentioned on this further up the trail.

          Fast Pass

          Pretty simple concept. If that's all it is.

          Edit: Forgot to add. Seems to be only available on some version 4.2.0. Whatever that refers to.

            Veronica8 Clarification: Fast Pass expires after 7 days (same as how free SS expired after 30 days). Once the Fast Pass is used to unlock a chapter, the chapter is unlocked forever. Which is why you are urged to use it as soon as possible.

              What's the problem? Unlock chapter using fast pass before it expire and read later. No need to hoard. You have to login and get your bonuses anyway.

                Igemona Yep. That sounds to be the best plan. I think knowing there's a buffer of up to 7 days, and any time during those 7 days, is good to know.

                  Fast pass is good for novels that give long chapters but for those with chapters worth 3 to 5 SS, 3 fast passes can only open 3 chapters but if each fast pass is considered equivalent to 8 SS, 24 SS could open 8 to 5 chapters.

                    I noticed you said we can still get 5 or more coins using phone app, but the app is not giving any coins, just fast pass only. I've checked all rewards and nothing gives coins. Reading time rewards are also just points, which are probably same as EXP but I'm not sure. I don't know if bonus through video gives coins, because that feature only works once a while, at least in my region.

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