I don't care abou the Fast Pass(Actually for me is better, because I uses to read generally 2 chapter per day and at most 3 chapters, but with it I can read 3 chapter every day). The problem for me is that when you do the check in, you have the option to multiply your "prize", but 5 Exp. What is that, why would someone watch a 20,30 sec video to receive 5 Exp. I hope there will be days we'll receive another Fast Pass, or some coins, becaus if it will be 5 exp every day, I won't watch a Add anymore. I knoe that an Add isn't ao much money, but I think it's better than nothing. Because to check in and to vote, I don't give anything to the site, it just occurs when I watch an Add.
5 Exp for an Add?
I think it's random. I just got an extra fast pass and 5 exp from the multiplier.
No you didn't. You got 1 fastpass for the check in and 5 exp extra for the add. Or did the notice state 2 fastpasses?
Cantiara how come when it gave me none? Is it by random? But it did say i get extra fast pass but really i didn't
It said I Got 1 pass and after 1 pass+5exp, but only the exp was a "bonus prize". The pass was the one that I received in the Check In