I don't think it will happen. Fast Passes killed this and other novels with huge chapters that were translated just a few times a week. Because of that 21 fast passes, probabbly most od the readers spent 5 ou 6 and read all week. So the translator and editor were probably not having a good income.

- Nov 14, 2023
- Joined Aug 19, 2018
I think the problem is the fast pass. Because one fast pass can unlock any chapter, even the bigger ones. So novels like Tales of Herding Gods or Kingdon bloodline, that have giant chapters, lose lots of income.
They probably had from 1 to 5 chapters per week and in one week webnovels gives at least 21 fast passes, so probably most of the readers didn't pay for the chapters.
Tales of Herding Gods was dropped? What a shame.GegeSadewa
Well, if it's lower I'd agree, but I dont think being the same is a great benefit. For 5 chapters is the same, but of 50 I didn't count, so Idk. If it's at least 15% of discount, I think it'd be great. But because there's no rules regard to it, I'm not going to test it.Is it worth to use this feature and unlock 50 chapters?
But watching a video just gives you 5xp (One day is 10xp).
The chapters were probably free and now the locked them. Of course, if you are certain that this is no the case, the last comment shows a way to try to have them unlocked again.
If I,m not wrong, it's just the coins per month. So you pay and receive a little bonus, but is like you said, it does not pay for so much chapters. I've like 900 coins, but it'd give just like 120 of a novel that I like, and I'm behind at least 300 of the last released.
The last membership actually used to be free reading all novels, but it was not profitable, so they changed it to how it is right now.Lord of the mysteries
My House of Horrors- Edited
Fist there's no more SS, it is called coins now. Second it's impossible to gain them, you can just buy it. You receive now free passes (3 per day) and third, ads just give XP now, so it's kind of a useless feature now
If you are on the smartphone you have to click on the gift simbol, go to Today's gift and choose to vote on the daily activities.
fan63 You ptobably didn't pay for them. They were free and now they locked it, probably. Like I have almost 500 chapters of Release That Witch, but never unlocked them, in the future, they can lock it again.
- In Rewards
Unruly_Phoenix Watching Ad never gave a bonus fast pass, you just receive EXP.
- In Rewards
Unruly_Phoenix Watching Ad never gave a bonus fast pass, you just receive EXP.
WonderClima Throne of Magical Arcana is from the same author of Lord of the Mysteries, but with more foccus in magic.
I just don't get it. After the changes, the "Double" prize is just exp. So, why would someone watches it? Actually, I always watched it, to help the site, because coins in my country currency are so expensive, that just a few can afford it. But now, i just don't have any will to do it. Actually, I think if it were more exp (More than5 and 10, because to pass a level, this is to little), or at least some points that we can use to exchange for fast passes.
I'm still watching the Ads, but I really don't know if I'll keep doing this.It said I Got 1 pass and after 1 pass+5exp, but only the exp was a "bonus prize". The pass was the one that I received in the Check In
I don't care abou the Fast Pass(Actually for me is better, because I uses to read generally 2 chapter per day and at most 3 chapters, but with it I can read 3 chapter every day). The problem for me is that when you do the check in, you have the option to multiply your "prize", but 5 Exp. What is that, why would someone watch a 20,30 sec video to receive 5 Exp. I hope there will be days we'll receive another Fast Pass, or some coins, becaus if it will be 5 exp every day, I won't watch a Add anymore. I knoe that an Add isn't ao much money, but I think it's better than nothing. Because to check in and to vote, I don't give anything to the site, it just occurs when I watch an Add.
- Edited
I just don't get it. It look likes you used to read more than 3 chapter per day for free( This is just possible if the novels costs between 3 SS and 5 SS, because since last week we start receiving 20ss per day, but even before, when it was possible to receive 25,30 ss, just this inexpensive novels could be bought more). So if you read this kind of novels, this will be a terrible change, but dor most of the readers (Maybe not), this is a better way, 'cause a chapter usually costs 8,9,10,11SS, so at least 24 ss (Better than the 20 ss). I'm not telling that you don't have to complain, but this isn't definitely de worst updste till now.