XAnonymousX I was about to suggest posting in NUF but to think you've run out of BL books there, just how many have you read!!!??
Anw I don't read BL myself but have you tried searching under LGBTQ+ genre here?
XAnonymousX I was about to suggest posting in NUF but to think you've run out of BL books there, just how many have you read!!!??
Anw I don't read BL myself but have you tried searching under LGBTQ+ genre here?
XAnonymousX https://webnovel.com/booklist/category?title=LGBT%2B&categoryId=70019&categoryType=1
I'm not sure about the quality though, so it's still better to wait for recommendations when you can't find one that fits your criteria
XAnonymousX do you have a bottom line for BL? If not, I don't mind recommending mine