Um I'd like to request one if you're not closed/swamped with requests.
It's for a new novel of mine- honestly it's not even on WN yet, def. no rush.
Title of book: Granny's Bake Shop in the Apocalypse
author name: CCMei
genre: Slife of Life/Horror/Comedy?
So think of every zombie apocalypse webnovel where someone wakes up years in the past before the apocalypse and has time to prepare/get a cool power.
Now imagine that person's grandmother- they save their grandma and take her with them to survival this time. This sweet caring but outdated granny is the MC. And her supernatural power is literally just producing tasty food (buns, noodles, tamales, you name it- she'll power up to it) out of nothing.
I'm honestly not too picky about the cover because mentally I'm very lost on what sort of image a story like this is supposed to produce. A little old lady just chilling in a zombie apocalypse? A store? I'm not sure what one picture is suppose to look like of this. Sorry about the vague requests, I'll honestly be very happy with any artisitc direction.
Here's the official summary of the story I have saved in my drafts- you don't have to read/use it but if you wanted more ideas on what it's about/general mood:
"It's the end of the world as we know it. Zombies are real. Major cities have been overrun, while survivors struggle to keep living by any means. Scavenging, harvesting mutent plants, and hiding away in scattered bases of safety zones. The only grace that the apocalypse has given mankind were supernatural powers and the ability to level up by absorbing the cores found only in zombies.
Ah I'm sorry, I think my grandson would be able to explain these things better. He was always good at those video game things before the world ended. That's about all I know. I'm just an old woman.
He's really a very good boy. Out of all the people he could have run to at the start of the apocalypse he chose his useless grannny. The thought of it still brings tears to my eyes, forgive me, one gets so sentimental when you're as old as I am. Even though he's young it makes me really worry for his future. He's still single!
Do keep an eye out for me if there's a nice young lad or lady on the lookout. Oh but don't tell him I said anything, he gets so shy.
Oh excuse me, I've been so rude rambling away like that.
What would you like to order from my little shop? Would you like to eat in or take out?"
They say there's a strange shop in the middle south ward of G-city. It's nothing particularly large or fancy. It a simple very mom and pop establishment of a bakery front and a restaurant run by a small family of a sweet old woman and her grandchildren. The food though is impossible, supernatural maybe. Some say that it could heal one's wounds or help in leveling one's powers up. What even more unbelievable are the rumors of how it tastes.
Like how things were before.