(requests open)

Okay so, I decided that it would be cool to start making covers for people. It wasn't hard to make some covers for some friends, so i decided that I wanted to do it for other people, too. I do have a style I do my covers in, so I'll show you what I've made through this discussion and we can share thoughts on it. Edit it until you like it. But if you get too picky I'll tell you to leave it or take it. An example of one of my covers is here on my book
but, this is just my book and i decided not to make it too dramatic, but if you want dramatic then I'll give you dramatic. (Also, this is was something I did last second, my work could be better)

so if you want a cover, you have to fill out this form (If you don't fill it out, then I can't do anything for you fam)

Title of book:

author name:


synopis: (needed so I can get an idea on what I what I'm designing)

If you want a person on your cover to look specific, then you'll have to give me details on that.
note: I'll make do with whatever information you give me, if you give me little information then I'll have my own take on it. If you give me more information then I'll be able to get the cover as close to what you want as possible.
* I don't do fan-fiction covers. Sorry fan-fic authors!!

    5 days later

    Name of the Novel: Tiger Saber

    Author: YoungOneStories


    Genre: Fantasy, Romance

    Synopsis: (The synopsis is on the link)

    What you would like to see featured in the cover: If possible, I want it to be an anime artstyle. A guy who has short black hair, and he holds a sword with chips at the blade on his right hand. He wore a gray tuxedo school uniform. Behind him, another guy was in there. They have the same face, but the guy at the back, wore a kimono. Blue balls that looks like smoke are surrounding the two of them.

    That's all!


      Hi, would you be able to take the characters from my current cover and put them in a different situation? Basically, a volume 2 cover.

      Title of book: My attack stat is negligible, so I can't help but rely on critical attacks to succeed
      Author Name: kazesenken
      genre: Fantasy, isekai
      Defeating a terrifying monster endangering the kingdom, Claude's fame grows. With this in mind, his next goal is to...win over his master's heart? However, he soon learns that the nobility are not one to be trifled with. What can a lone chef do against the schemes of the powerful threatening his livelihood?

      The image in my head:
      The two main characters taking up diagonal half portions of the page. Guy in top right. Girl in bottom left.
      Chef guy with no hat and holding out a chef knife ready to fight. His eyes give off a purplish glow because he is activating a skill.
      Girl in wedding dress looking defiant. She is holding a sword that seems to give off a bright glare like sunlight reflecting off it.

      Hope that isn't too specific...


        Interesting, very interesting.
        Title: How To End The Game Of A God
        Author Name: ChaosFawn
        Genre: Fantasy
        Synopsis: A Lich is thrown into a fantasy world by a cruel god of light. With a system and many powerful teachers, he must conquer both game... and god.
        I would like to get a picture of a lich, wearing paladin armour and with a black snake coiled around his neck.

          Title of book: The Tower of Test
          Author: ntokarcik
          genre: Fantasy
          synopis: Enter the tower at you own peril. True power and treasure does await for those that conquer. Yet each floor is drenched in the blood of thousands of applicants. Can you make it?

          Read as Jeff unwittingly stumbles his way into a test more dangerous then he could ever imagine. Will he make it and form his own legend within the tower? Or will his bones litter the floor with so many of those that come before him. And is the top really the end?

          Id love something with the character looking up at the looming black tower. Also the character wields a sword and lightning if you can incorporate that somehow.

          Thanks in advance I'm sure I'll be excited for anything you make :)

            Title of book: I was reincarnated as a monster flower
            Author: X237
            Genre: Fantasy
            Synopsis: You know I was just another average Joe. I was a high schooler had a 9 to 5 job at a gas station. And my name was actually Joe.

            You know normal stuff.

            But by some cruel twist of fate out of all the gas stations (Of which there were over a dozen) the gas station I worked at was robbed by some thugs and I was shot.

            Not even once though. They just had to make sure the job was done and shoot me five times. Five times!

            But my suffering didn't end there. Oh it would have been so much simpler if it had. No I awoke in this pitiful excuse of a body! A monsters body!

            Not even something good like an ogre or a dragon! Heck even a goblin or a slime even an ant would have been better than my body!

            I Joe Johnson was reincarnated as a flower. A small dainty weak flower

            Preferred cover art: Background a dull grave and resembling the wall of a cave. A series of green vines with thorns will be covering it and can be traced back to the source which will be a rose. Green thorn covered stem red petals but the petals open up in the middle to reveal that the inner petals are lined with vicious flesh shredding teeth.

            Thank you ahead of time if you choose to make my book cover. I might be asking a bit much with the vines and such but that's honestly what I'd really like for my cover if you can manage it.

              Um I'd like to request one if you're not closed/swamped with requests.

              It's for a new novel of mine- honestly it's not even on WN yet, def. no rush.

              Title of book: Granny's Bake Shop in the Apocalypse
              author name: CCMei
              genre: Slife of Life/Horror/Comedy?

              So think of every zombie apocalypse webnovel where someone wakes up years in the past before the apocalypse and has time to prepare/get a cool power.

              Now imagine that person's grandmother- they save their grandma and take her with them to survival this time. This sweet caring but outdated granny is the MC. And her supernatural power is literally just producing tasty food (buns, noodles, tamales, you name it- she'll power up to it) out of nothing.

              I'm honestly not too picky about the cover because mentally I'm very lost on what sort of image a story like this is supposed to produce. A little old lady just chilling in a zombie apocalypse? A store? I'm not sure what one picture is suppose to look like of this. Sorry about the vague requests, I'll honestly be very happy with any artisitc direction.

              Here's the official summary of the story I have saved in my drafts- you don't have to read/use it but if you wanted more ideas on what it's about/general mood:

              "It's the end of the world as we know it. Zombies are real. Major cities have been overrun, while survivors struggle to keep living by any means. Scavenging, harvesting mutent plants, and hiding away in scattered bases of safety zones. The only grace that the apocalypse has given mankind were supernatural powers and the ability to level up by absorbing the cores found only in zombies.

              Ah I'm sorry, I think my grandson would be able to explain these things better. He was always good at those video game things before the world ended. That's about all I know. I'm just an old woman.

              He's really a very good boy. Out of all the people he could have run to at the start of the apocalypse he chose his useless grannny. The thought of it still brings tears to my eyes, forgive me, one gets so sentimental when you're as old as I am. Even though he's young it makes me really worry for his future. He's still single!

              Do keep an eye out for me if there's a nice young lad or lady on the lookout. Oh but don't tell him I said anything, he gets so shy.

              Oh excuse me, I've been so rude rambling away like that.

              What would you like to order from my little shop? Would you like to eat in or take out?"

              They say there's a strange shop in the middle south ward of G-city. It's nothing particularly large or fancy. It a simple very mom and pop establishment of a bakery front and a restaurant run by a small family of a sweet old woman and her grandchildren. The food though is impossible, supernatural maybe. Some say that it could heal one's wounds or help in leveling one's powers up. What even more unbelievable are the rumors of how it tastes.

              Like how things were before.

                CCmei That... That novel sounds surprisingly good. Definitely outmatches mine in terms of uniqueness and quirkiness. I look forward to when you finally publish this novel of yours. Its one I'd totally add to my collection to read.


                  Thanks for the encouragement, it's def. a wacky idea that will take some work.

                  But yo dude, no need to compete like that- we all got our own stories to work on. Original ideas all come from somewhere and us authors suffer to build them. Good luck with yours. (I recall a writing prompt challenge months ago on this site once that had us writing as if we were reborn into a tree. That was honestly pretty darn hard, I got like a couple chapters and bam- ideas stalled. )

                    Reborn into a tree? As in, as a tree itself, or the world you end up in is a tree?

                      CCmei That sounds familiar to what I did for the recent writing contest where we have a non-human MC. Instead of a tree though I did a flower monster.

                      a year later
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