Exactly what am complaining about now! Am so Frustrated and am getting tired of it. All the bonus coins are not given what i keep seeing is fast pass... This is pure cheating indeed!
Bonus Reward Scam
Please i think they should explain in details about this issues so that we can understand better
you have to spend money to buy coins. Only fast pass as login or ads rewards.l
Points are totally useless, even if we read 960 minutes per week and get max 60 points each week from it, with how the min redeem scheme for 1 fast pass is 2000 points, it will still take at least 8 months for any redemption???
Even with the so called xmas gift of "special price" to redeem 1 fast pass for 500 points, it will still take 2 months the least.
Not to mention for 20k points redemption, can you imagine how long it will takes?!
Meh totally not worth it, such an useless schemes, better wipe them out all together.
Imagine also, the so called reward after reading 960 min per week for 8 months (using default scheme and not xmas gift ver), the reward is only 1 measly chapter aka 1 fast pass?
Again, better no rewards as such points system and or store at all.
Sansz Really depends what sort of reader you are, if you do it casually, yeah points are useless. Now if you're like us binge reading neets the pain is moderately less, I'm up to 1500 points after reading every day for hours and hours for the last week....
Darth_Xiane how you could get 1500 points? Reading reward max is 60 points after reading 960 minutes. Even if you read more than 960 minutes a week (or as you said hours and hours every day in a week), you won't still get more than 60 points a week though??? So how can you get 1500 points?
Ah perhaps by turning the farming mode on? If yes, nahh... I would say I'm quite a binge reader my self, but I enjoy reading in comfort. Tried to turn the farming mode once in the very beginning, but it annoys me as hell with ads in the middle of my reading, shut them off at once after that one time.
Yeah but just find a good novel and it's less painful. I'm re reading EPIC and the points just roll in.
Still admit it's not a great system but the alternative is to follow that guide that has you turn such a book into an idle clicker mobile game to farm them.
Janejet i agree with you. I really feel frustrated.
John_Titor Thinks its a bug for it says that you get a fast pass, but when we check the fast pass deposit. It isn't registered that you acquired anything from watching the ad!
GreatLeecher am equally tired of this upgrade
Can't Webnovel just resort back to the way it was when I fell in love with it 6 months ago? I just plain hate the hassle I have to go through just to be able to read my favorite novels (note the plural form) not to mention the amount of money I must spend just so I can unlock chapters because Webnovel became stingy with SS (aka coins). Btw, where are my coins suppossedly awarded for reading for a time? Grrrrr!!!!?
Jylo3 coins are not rewarded for reading checkpoints, points are.
you can read 3 chapters from 3 different daily updating novels (plural) a day. that's already plenty of free content that you may not necessarily be able to get w/ the coins they used to give. just depends on if you're spending your fast passes on cheap 5 coin, short chapters, or expensive 15 coin, long chapters.
The poitnt that you take for reading desappear in the air
Daoist333721 nope they're easily found by using the app, opening your profile and going to the Store.