
  • Dec 31, 2022
  • Joined May 11, 2019
  • sblego11

    Sadly books trial read on here are licensed to qidian/tencent/webnovel. The raws are naturally available for purchase from a Chinese store BUT you have no right to do the translation yourself without going through webnovel, is why you get no response from the initial translator(s), they literally have no say on the matter. They were assigned the trial, people didn't vote for it so they were shifted to a different project.

    That being said you can try contacting webnovel to become a translator for it, but the process has left many hopefuls in limbo as webnovel really doesn't stay on the ball with applicants. Its sorta normal to not get a yay or nay from them for almost a month, which leads many "I'll do it myself" translators just giving up on the idea.

  • SonYeJin

    Obtaining a contract generally means you can start earning an income with your book. The qualifications generally amounts to webnovel realizing that your book could generate money, sort of recognition that you worked/are working hard on producing a quality offering. Once upon a time you could apply for a contract but a few months ago it was stated that webnovel went back to their old 'don't call us, we'll call you' method of contracting. So in short they'll notify you through inkstone if they think they can make a buck off your back. And then you pick if you want to tie yourself to webnovel or you go for a non exclusive royalty contract.

    The difference between the contracts is generally summed up that webnovel owns your work, guarantees you early payments as long as you meet their standards and you are tied to this site so they'll whore your book for you. Non exclusive, you can publish your book anywhere, you are not guaranteed any money so best hope you have a fan base... cause webnovel won't whore your book at all.

    • Manhunt

      I'd suggest EPIC, while Vahn's power creep gets a little insane later on the first arc contains just about everything you look for. And being a fanfic means its free. 🙂

      • Stick_Swinger

        Just means the inkstone server has soiled itself. Try again later. Hopefully by then the web monkies will have slathered it in enough of their crap to cool down what had gone wrong. If not, wait longer since its the weekend and a holiday likely only some poor intern... or a dipping bird, is currently handling customer issues.

        • DragonCountry

          Font formatting IS behind a pay wall, the contractual pay wall. Only those who are contracted can use italics/bold/etc.

          Of course you also have to know that the app can't display that formatting so everything shows up as plain text. This includes using things like line breaks so any formatting done is lost producing garbled crap.

          As for why fanfiction has all that but webnovel doesn't.. is like asking why the epic store doesn't have the features of steam. Steam has been around longer and isn't in the habit of sharing how it does things with its competition.

          Webnovel hasn't been around that long but again you are correct... tencent/qidian apparently hired barely competent web masters. The app (and the site) are full of trial ideas that failed yet nobody bothered to remove so junk code was piled on top of junk code as they switched from one dev to another. Quite frankly webnovels code makes Frankenstein's monster look like a beautiful super model.

          As for who is at fault... your guess is as good as mine, there is no logical reason webnovel should still be in operation... yet it does. It somehow manages to keep going.

          • Megan_Immanuella

            Sure. You can wait until webnovel recognizes your books value. I never won a contest or asked about contracting but they offered me the option twice. As for what criteria you have to meet... no clue. The only thing I did was write 2k word length chapters for 2 to 3 months straight. I never had a huge fan base so can only think my update pace impressed them.

            There use to also be the option to request a contract but if memory serves a few months ago someone informed me that they stopped taking requests. Wether that situation has changed or not, one would have to ask in discord and see if any of the officials have more current updates on such.

            • Inu_Patience

              Make them distinctly different... otherwise why bother with two main characters who are simply carbon copies of each other?

              • Johannjazz

                A month or so ago fast passes were changed to gave a coin value. Essentially 1 fp is roughly 10 to 14 coins. If the chapter costs 15 to 25 coins you will have to use two fast passes. If its 26+ you may even have to use three.

                • Also keep in mind that webnovel staff does not work weekends or holidays. So if you are expecting a reply to your application late Friday/early Saturday... you won't see it until Monday.

                  • When I updated every day it was because I had started a story where I knew it would begin with A and eventually reach Z. I had a fire to tell the story and let whoever else read it. The plot, the characters, the conflicts all were mapped out in various degrees such to the point that all I had to do was read what was suppose to happen then embellish around it.

                    The writing, at the time, flowed naturally and easily to the point I could easily churn out 2k character chapters daily, often more as I'd frequently get into a scene and just continue writing for it despite surging past that rather extreme self imposed chapter length.

                  • NicholasZZ

                    Better to ask this question in discord for an official solution. Is very rare technical support gets satisfactory answers on this forum.

                  • sexdottxt

                    Of those people with more stories how often do those stories get updated? How many are finished? As most writers will say, the process for creating chapters isn't something you mass produce daily, least not if you give a single damn about quality. You'll note even here those with more than two or three stories the majority of their other books are either on semi-permanent hiatus, wallowing in limbo, or were contest entries that didn't win so are left for dead.

                    Simply put writers don't have the time to write dozens of concurrent stories, even a couple puts an insane amount of workload on one. A dozen or more? Like above if 90% of them aren't on hiatus most of the time then its highly likely the author represents a team of multiple writers or someone that is plagerizing others works... its just not possible to write for a dozen or books daily for any length of time.

                    • Wow from the aggressive nature of your posts easy to see your "constructive criticism" was likely anything but. And it is a person's own interest to open a discord server, no one is obligated to manage one cause you want them to.

                      Regardless removing posts has always been the domain of the author, webnovel fully realizes some abuse this to keep only positive comments but they haven't changed anything thus your full caps "request" is largely pointless... just don't read their books and move on with your life.

                      • sexdottxt

                        The limit is somewhere between 20 and 50, was fifty a few years back but it may have indeed be lowered cause nobody right in the head would use that many slots.

                        • Elina_Hoffmann

                          Do it from whatever digital wallet you used. Ie. If Google the membership will be under the subscription section of Google wallet.

                        • Anotest

                          There use to be webnovel_official and webnovel_support however its been awhile and even those might now be defunct since they pushed alot of the support availability towards discord.

                        • Daoseph

                          The forums for the longest time were a community supported feature. Tagging the staff accounts will of course prompt some sort of response but reporting issues through customer support or the discord server has always been more effective than any post on here.

                          As for book issues as well keep in mind that unless its the author reporting the issue the staff generally does not look into book issues at the promoting of its fans.

                          • Anotest

                            Unless you tag webnovel official or support, no, the staff generally doesn't come to the forums.

                            • I think they're a nice bonus you get a few chapters free every day, nothing wrong with it. Issues abound when one comes to depend on them or think they're entitled to them.

                              Web Novel Novel Ask