I wrote a 3 paragraph count toward this authors work detailing the lack of depth the story has. I gave many valid points such as lack of emotion from the MC and other people around him. This author is Deleting every 4 star review and down from what I've noticed. If anyone here can make this author understand that doing such a thing will ruin his path as an author then do so.

I noticed something similar on his royal road account as well. I'm just going to guess he has a friend group with a mod there that's specialized in the art of deleting reviews for followers.

    That's pretty much what happens for the majority of novels that are popular on this site. Doing everything in order to get contracted and gain more from it.

    It won't be the last novel you see that happens, so take every rating and review with a grain of salt.

    Best you can do is support the novels that are worth your time.

    Unfortunately, this does happen. Not all contracted authors are like that btw. Some who rely on positive verbatim for $$, might be inclined to carry this out. Know there are unspoken okay's for deleting. These are below:

    1. Verbal assault on anyone. Especially if it's personal to the author. It's considered harassment and moves away from being a review to a criminal activity.
    2. Cyber-bullying on anyone. If a reader is being bullied on a review. It's only respectful for the author to have that review deleted for protection and well being of their reader/reviewer.
    3. Troll behaviour. A lot of popular books attract these gremlins.
    4. Anything else that goes against this site's Terms of Service

    Otherwise, everything else is fair game and stays put. IMO

      Veronica8 Hmm out of all of the rules you presented I violated none with my deleted review. I gave my view point of what the novel was missing such as Depth and character emotion. I then gave how it can really improve his novel and give it some form of sustenance. After he deleted it though, I then sent a review right after that can be considered an attack, but, he was asking for it for doing something like this.

        AzureWolf You gave a constructive feedback. That's actually lucky for the author. Understand your feelings because you took so much time and effort to provide feedback. You showed you cared. It'll be hard not to feel annoyed.

        The review delete button is a learning curve for a lot off peeps here. There are a lot of green-hands at this site who are still to figure out the best practice approach to all of this.

        Webnovel, themselves, didn't set any rules on the button use.

        Please don't be discouraged. This was one experience. Keep doing what you do. There are fledging writers out there who do value feedback. It's a matter of recognizing the types. :grin:

        I, as an author, for constructive criticism, if the reviewer points out errors and shows the way to correct them, this is great. A rating of 3 or 2 stars does not matter much. But each person is different. For example, it’s just interesting for me to write, share my thoughts and stories. Along the way, improver my text.

        I do not delete 2 or 3 star reviews, but if this is not constructive criticism, for example: "this is very bad, you are bad, your romance is crap!" I delete them, and the person who wrote this, ruined his karma, he may not believe in it, but sooner or later it will overtake him. A normal person, self-sufficient, without any phobias, he respects himself and other people. He will not insult or offend other people for fun, for fun. Because he is an adult and not a stupid child.

        Life is a very difficult thing, difficult, people must help each other, well, or at least not to harm intentionally.

        Happy New Year!

          Didn't know we can delete those
          I see

            Gourmet_DAO Personal experience. I think the lowest I've received is 3.5. Usually most of the low rating is for poor updating. Fair too. Tbh. I don't take the rating into consideration. Since its subjective of the moment. Verbatim has more weight for me.

            Looking a bit more outwardly. I guess there does come a point where authors will outgrow the 1 - 3 star feedback. Or maybe they need to remove their story from the site. Or repurpose the book for something else.

            At those times, I think it's okay to approach the reviewer and gain permission for the removal. Or letting them know that their review is being deleted because book is about to be dust. And about a few days prior.

            I don't think reviewers will mind as much of the deletion. If they know ahead of time, given a solid reason or (if needed) the okay to do so.

              Veronica8 In order for the author to delete his work, he must have a high self-awareness so that he can adequately evaluate his work. And much depends on the readers, if there are a lot of them, then the author must first ask them if he can delete his novel or not. Since this is a matter of trust between readers and the author.

              At the expense of deleting the review, yes you are right, but on the condition that the reviewer is an adult and not a young lover of laughing at people, only for the sake of laughter and satisfaction of his ego. An adequate person will understand why his review or novel was deleted.

              But meeting an objective author with oneself and others can be difficult.

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