Thank you for viewing my post! I use the app daily and removing this mild annoyances would be great. Aside from that, the app's been getting better. Thanks!
WebNovel Version: 2.4.1
iOS Version: 11.2.5
iPhone 7+
!!~Translation Rating - Unable to change rating of translation on app after send
ex. I rate the translation quality, but I accidently rate it 1/5 stars instead of 5/5. When I try to tap the stars again to change it, it won't let me.
!!~Sync - Reading novels on the website won't update as read on the app and vice-versa.
ex. New release of Night Ranger comes out and I read it on my laptop from the website. When I check the app on my phone, it's still marked as unread when I refresh my library. This maybe different to chapters in the middle, but this is a frequent bug for latest chapters.
!!~Novel Update - New chapters won't load on first couple tries.
ex. I'm already caught up on the new chapters and am at 100%. A few hour later a new chapter of Release That Witch comes out and when I tap the novel and hit next, I'm pushed to the very bottom missing the new release. Sometimes it won't even show the new chapter. I have to constantly refresh the novel a couple of times until it shows.
!!~Viewing Novel - Random Black Screens when I tap on a novel
ex. I'm in my library, then when I go to view a novel chapter I get introduced to a black screen.
Work Around:
1. If I tap the black screen I can go back to the library
2. If it freezes the app, I have to close it completely and restart the app.
!!~Viewing full-comments - Touch Indicator is off. The "v" button to view the full comment isn't alligned with the icon.
ex. I try to view a long comment, but when I try to view the full comment, it makes it so I tap the previewed comment and makes me reply instead.
!!~No Ads Currently Available - Infrequent occurrence, but happens often enough to be noticed. On my first time of trying to view ad, it gives me the error "No Ads Currently Available". Pressing it again or a few times let's me view ad.
!!~Remove scroll up to previous chapter via chapter head - Please remove going to the previous chapter by scrolling up the head of the chapter title. Actually trying to use it isn't helpful because with the new IOS updates, pulling the top of my phone down takes me to my lock screen most of the time instead. You're better off tapping on your phone and viewing previous chapters that way.
ex. I'm in the middle of my chapter and I try to scroll up, but instead it takes me to the previous chapter because my finger was around the top of my phone.