I just got this notification from Webnovel:
You (sic) book The Homeless Millionaire is recommended on the NEW block of New Originals in the Featured tab on 00:00 Jan 6, 2020.
I'm on PC, and cannot find it. I guess I cannot see it without the app?
I just got this notification from Webnovel:
You (sic) book The Homeless Millionaire is recommended on the NEW block of New Originals in the Featured tab on 00:00 Jan 6, 2020.
I'm on PC, and cannot find it. I guess I cannot see it without the app?
Michael_Ryman You don't see it even on app. This mystery message is still unresolved on WebNovel. My novel got it atleast 5 times, but I can't find it on any of the platforms.
I checked it using my account as well as my friend's account. But still nothing.
I asked it on forums and surprisingly no one knows what does it mean. ( I was new comer on forums that time.)
Let's ask @yaoyueyi . Maybe she knows.
Thank you! At least now I know what it appears like.
Thank you! At least now I know what it appears like.
Michael_Ryman This is only on the phone app. Not the pc site version.
It's under [Featured] tab (compass icon) and the yellow button [New]. You'll find your book in the section [New Originals]. Note that the section rotates through books. So, your book won't show on the section all the time.