
  • Joined Sep 11, 2019
  • What the fuck are you talking about? There is no room for contemplation: either you want to do it, or you don't. Stop dicking around and sit down and give it a try, and you'll quickly find out whether it's something you want to keep on doing.

  • Katzenliebe

    First of all, there is no such word as naive-ness.

    There's naivety or naivete (this word has French origins).

    Webnovel continues to amaze me. All those 'writers' who don't know how to use a dictionary, don't know how to spell, and are capable of making half a dozen mistakes in a sentence composed of five words (for the uninitiated: half a dozen equals six).

    And all along, the information they need to improve themselves is a few keystrokes away. It takes much less time to type a word you don't understand into a search box, followed by the word 'dictionary', than to start a moronic thread like this one. It goes without saying that someone who aspires to be writer should have a good dictionary bookmarked for easy reference.

    I've been a professional writer longer than most of the people here have been alive. I still use the dictionary and a thesaurus many times a day, just to make sure I've used exactly the right word. And no, a thesaurus isn't a dinosaur trained as a writer's assistant. If you don't know what this or any other word means, use a fucking dictionary.

    What's wrong with you people? I really, really don't understand.

    • Scentofawoman

      Scentofawoman Tell me why?

      You're asking me why you should think before reaching for your wallet? Change your dealer, guy.

      You don't like what you're getting for your money, don't buy. It's so simple.

      • Wolfick

        I said this was the simplest way to limit abuse, not the best way.


        You wrote it intentionally? Keep your pills handy when you come here.

        • The OP wrote that Webnovel is scamming him. Using the word 'scam' is a little hysterical, but then complaints made here tend to be hysterical.

          My take on this situation: what is actually happening is that many readers are scamming Webnovel. They set up multiple accounts, and collect Fast Passes from each. In this way, they get to read all the Premium content free of charge.

          The Fast Pass, as implemented, was a bad idea. I suspect Webnovel is trying to contain the damage by tinkering with the Fast Passes. The simplest way would be to limit them to one a day, but that would cause screams of outrage that would be heard from here to Honolulu (I'm writing this in Warsaw, Poland). Maybe there even would be a suicide or two.

          Get real, people. Maintaining a portal like Webnovel costs serious cash. Of course they have to make money. They likely have to flip somersaults to break even. However, IMO they should definitely splurge on an extra salary, and get someone skilled at public and customer relations. The way they are handled now is very poor.

          You'd naturally prefer to be given everything for free, but that's your problem. Yes, a problem: the sooner you discover everything in life carries a price, even the supposed freebies, the better for you.

          • Zach_Ranson

            Kindly point out the insult.

            Also, you didn't answer the question.

            I'd like to make clear I, and many other authors, treat writing here as a hobby. But there are also at least as many authors hoping to see at least some income from their literary efforts.

            So: what about them? How do you propose to satisfy their hopes while distributing Fast Passes left, right, and centre?? Tell us. Maybe you'll come up with something that genuinely will make this app better.

            • Zach_Ranson

              I see you love your own posts.

              I have a question for you. What about the poor authors? What about those guys, slaving over their keyboards night after night, hoping that maybe, just maybe, they'll be able to buy themselves a snack or a soft drink once a week from their earnings on Webnovel?

              I'm guessing you don't give a monkey's about that. They should be happy enough with the fact someone has agreed to read their stuff, right?

              You've got tons of stuff to read for free on this site. But that isn't enough for you. You want 10 Fast Passes a day - what am I saying, make it 20 or 30 - so that you can read whatever you like free of charge.

              Go away, guy. Just go away, and don't come back.

              • Veronica8

                You're babbling, V8. This is so unlike you. Ingested something poisonous?

                Sans serif and serif are TYPES of fonts. Using crude layman's terms, a sans serif font is a font without the little decorative extensions that improve a font's look, and actually make reading easier. Helvetica and arial are examples of non-serif fonts.

                A serif font, such as Times New Roman, has those little extensions.

                I have not yet encountered a font called san fault.

                • Yeah, it ain't easy.

                  My contract went back and forth quite a few times before everything was as it should be. I can't remember all the details, because there sure were a lot of them. I think I had the name issue too - I wrote it normally, while on the ID it was all caps.

                  On the plus side, once everything was fixed the contract was approved the very next day. So arm yourself with patience, and keep plugging away.

                • ealdgyth

                  I was in a similar position to yours when I started here just over a year ago. It's like xiaohai_23 said: you just start writing, and keep on writing. Post new chapters frequently to get more readers quickly.

                  You'll be using Inkstone - that's the in-house application here. You probably know already that you access Inkstone by clicking the Create button at the top of the WN main page. It's pretty intuitive, you should get the hang of it after a few minutes of fooling around. You can write using Inkstone or whatever app you prefer, then copy and paste the text into Inkstone.

                  If you run into technical problems, I'd recommend contacting support instead of asking for help on the forum. They've always been very helpful to me.

                  Writing a fiction serial here differs from writing for a traditional publisher. You'll be posting what is essentially a first draft with some very light editing: punctuation & grammar errors, rephrasing things here and there, that sort of thing. The vast majority of people who write here don't even fix their typos. BTW, you won't be able to use bold or italic font if you aren't a WN-contracted writer.

                  WN requirements? There are no requirements per se. Same goes for community expectations. This site is mostly about encouraging young people to read and write, and that's what I like about it. Needless to say, overall the literary standard is very low. Quite a few people have raw talent, but next to to none have the skills needed to produce good prose. One of the more popular writers on this site stated that it takes 'six months to write decent (sic)'. You get the idea.

                  For me personally, writing here is a nice way to unwind after the frightful commercial shit I have to write in order to earn a living, and that's the approach I'd recommend to another pro writer. One more thing: don't plan to get rich through WN. Most top writers here make as much money monthly as you can earn in a single day writing advertising copy for a client with deep pockets.

                  Good luck and bon voyage!

                  • BOTH contracts are royalty-based contracts. Check the dictionary to find out what the word 'royalty' means.

                    The difference between a Webnovel contract and an EMP contract is that the first is exclusive, and the second non-exclusive.

                    Exclusive means you sell all rights to your work to Webnovel. Non-exclusive means you retain the rights to your work, and can publish it elsewhere. However, you'll be obliged to stay at least two chapters ahead on the EMP server (e.g. if your serial currently has 102 chapters, you can post up to 100 chapters anywhere you like, but chapters 101 and 102 on the EMP server only. Once you've written 104 chapters, you can post 101 and 102 anywhere you like but 103 and 104 only on the EMP server - get it?).

                    Also, if you sign a non-exclusive contract with EMP, your income will be smaller. Webnovel pays a 50% net royalty, and so does EMP. But EMP in turn receives 50% of income from Webnovel, so you end up with 25% (50% of 50%).

                    Hope that clears any confusion you might have.

                    Final advice: the dictionary is your friend. Use it often, it will help you avoid making a fool of yourself.


                    Krizantem 2 - For exclusive contract you could contact "EMP Publishing" and they will sign the contract for you, you will still have the rights of your own book but you will paid less.

                    This is nonsense. EMP Entertainment are the people offering the NON-exclusive contract. And they won't 'sign the contract for you' either. Read what you have written before you post it.

                  • Stop writing, stop watching videos and reading articles about writing, and start reading good fiction. You won't find much of that here, unfortunately. Hit the library.

                    Writing is learned by imitation, just like speech, and after you've read enough you'll see your writing improve as if by magic. You can speed up that process by analyzing what you've read, and determining for yourself why a particular novel is good.

                    You'll likely fall in love with a few author,s and go through phases of aping them. That's good. It's better to ape a master than produce 'original' rubbish. With time, you'll develop your very own distinct style.

                    The fact you see faults in your writing is a promising sign: it means you're already making progress. Keep at it, and keep in mind learning how to write well is a very long process. Best of luck!

                    PS. Here's a link to an online library that contains plenty of good classics: https://www.gutenberg.org

                  • CamilleDirithyl

                    Take a pill. You're confusing views with reads, and then bitching that your expectations turned out to be unrealistic. 'Stop lying all the time etc' - Jesus, it's time you treated yourself to a big chillout. Yeah sure, Webnovel staff are slaves to ugly, greedy shareholders circling the poor authors like hungry sharks... You're being ridiculous.


                    You're confusing views with reads, too. If you want to know how many people are reading your book, check the Inkstone page. It even differentiates between valid reads, and reads in general.


                    Yeah sure, everyone wants everything free of charge. Nothing new here.

                    I agree Webnovel could be improved in many respects, starting with the joke review system. But I also think it does a good job of encouraging young people to read and to write. And that, in my opinion, makes up for its faults.

                    • I find it hard to believe this discussion is still going on.

                      Reviews are worthless as a rule, and the whole system is a joke. 95% or more of so-called reviews aren't even reviews. They're mind farts.

                      What's sad is that so many readers are guided by those silly little stars. And that they waste time reading that 'review' crap instead of reading the story.

                      If they bothered to read the first page of the story, they would x) instantly know whether they personally like it or not, y) develop their own critical faculties, z) save themselves tons of time. It takes less time to read a page of a story than to dig through dozens of asinine 'reviews'.

                      I think the whole system was set up that way so that kids who want to write could engage in interaction. It was never meant to be a serious system, just something to encourage people to get more involved (and maybe watch more ads while they're at it. I wouldn't know, I don't use the app).

                      So my suggestion would be to stop treating the review system with seriousness it doesn't deserve. I use it solely (and rarely) to encourage kids who clearly have talent to keep going.

                      And yes, authors definitely should have the right to delete the bullshit masquerading as 'reviews'. But it's probably best just to ignore it.

                      • I had this problem, too. I contacted service@webnovel.com and got this advice:

                        We recommend that you can clear the cache, use another browser and try it again.

                        I cleared the browser cache & rebooted my computer and it fixed the problem right away - didn't need to use another browser.

                        BTW, if you run into a problem again, I'd recommend contacting service instead of posting on the forum. I have asked them for help with issues several times and they've always been very helpful, prompt, and polite. Just make sure you're polite, too - no one likes to help an asshole.

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