• Qidian Official
  • Important Notification: There will be no more SS given away after Jan.13th

Sigh, I know
I lost also a lot coins the last few week...I buy the membership to grab the 810 coins because I'm from Canada and they was trying the membership with people in Canada first...I calculate I will have at the end 1210 coins because I use to buy spirit stone before too...
Still webnovel need to do something with the coins...hm with the points, I redeem 50% for 3 days novel....but for people who doesn't have a coins...how they will open the new chapter?
The things with the 3 pass for day will not allow to buy in the store hm ...buy 50% or 70% still need coins

    Seriously I don't like this updated version....I can't use my points in the store why?

    So this is why all my stones are disappearing at an alarming rate

      This version is not really great.
      Without any SS / coins, it's difficult to read.
      Fastpass gives access to only one chapter, too sad

        Yume97 I really enjoyed having the temporary free chapters. They made for great offline reading.

          WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I don't think the new version is useful for the readers. It is annoying nd forcing the readers to withdraw the app. It demotivate the readers. I loved to read webnovel but the new version forcing me to stop using the app. I hope the webnovel team will consider the readers' point of view and modify the app.

            WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL well after this shity update expect your readers to plummet...the expiration of coins is so fast and the miraculously disapearing fast pass and now no free ss.....good job webnovel you just shoot yourself in the foot....ive been here since the first of webnovel when it still free...now i think i gona uninstall and read somewhere else where the novels are free to read...

            SnowFairy yeah the good old days where in the novels are free and free coins are everywhere is gone...

              Veronica8 welp the fast pass is a shit i accumolated 20 fast pass and when i open it just a while ago it became 15 i did not use a fucking fast pass when reading those novels what a bullshit

                MiLfL0VeR is that directed to me or webnovel?

                I don't know how much they intend to give us after the 13th. I wanted to know if there were any changes.

                  MiLfL0VeR Fast passes expire after 7 days. The chapters they unlock never expire.

                    Heyyou your right. The old virsion is much more better specially the first one.

                      Heyyou your right. The old virsion is much more better specially the first one.

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