• Qidian Official
  • Important Notification: There will be no more SS given away after Jan.13th

MotivatedSloth i am not doubting on you... But this new thing about expiring coins was definitely not there before this fast pass system... I also have been using this for very long time time not 2 years but a year I guess and I have been saving my SS/coins for very long time and I did even saved them up to the last month but not anymore... So this expire thing is definitely from the new version ... Well we can't do anything about though.. and also there no use to ask someone about it as no one is going to get me back my coins now...😅😅

    Jeshmin It's not new. I've been here since July 2018, and they have always expired for me b/c I never used them. Whatever SS/coins you claim that have never expired for you can't be real. (It could be as a result of your usage of them despite saving them up so that the ones who are about to expire get used, since each one expires in 30 days, unless you don't read weekly/monthly)
    Here is an entire thread of proof that SS expired since a long time ago (I'm pretty sure since the start of this currency). This thread has proof from all the way in February 2018. Expiry notifications may be a new thing (but not too new either, they have been there months before the current update) -- I can't recall if they used to have them in 2018 or not-- but SS/coins have always expired.

      I still have 1178 coins
      I did purchase the spirit stone before and never use and also I did become membership so I did get 500 coins and suppose 10 coins everyday until 310 coins

        I can attest that coins expire. I never use mine, so I get periodic notifications that they do. Have since I first joined 6 months ago.

          Nah, I'm just baiting you into dancing just like I want you to.

          But well, if I were to care about the opinion of other people that represent the same approach, I should be earning money for making threads longer? Hmmmm

            Webnovel I don't care. There are other websites/places I can read novels. Is not a most it has to be webnovel. Why all this role just because webnovel is an app.

            Webnovel I don't care. There are other websites/places I can read novels. Is not a most it has to be webnovel. Why all this role just because webnovel is an app.

              ace_cap I'm still waiting. And please, stop with the jokes. They are just as good as your rhethoric. (I bet you will have to thing quite a bit to understand it here, so small advice, try quantifying the logical value of this sentence and looking for a way to make entire sentence logicial.)

                Здравствуйте, подскажите, почему я после 5 января, регистрируясь, оценивая главы и оставляя комментарии и ответы на них, не получаю на свой счёт EXP?

                  yaoyueyi ohhhh okay ... I see . Then it must be I had been mistaken. Thank you for clarification 🙏 I got it now

                    WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL i miss u prise free coin from reading a novel in webnovel coz its help me when i dont have money to buy coin.. Its help me so much but now no free anymore

                      I like the previous version with the SS..

                        Is there any apps other than webnovrl out there.... Please someone recommend an apps to me... Gonna uninstall thiss app soon... This new version Is SUCK....

                        Today 18/01/2020 I opened webnovel app and saw that my coins =0 .. what happened yesterday I only use less than 10 coins instead using fast pass to read up two chapters and I have more than 50 coins earlier.. now its all gone..what happened?

                          Webnovels doesn't appreciate her reader .... I can't afford to buy coins yet webnovels has made it impossible for me to read.. Since I have no coin my reading stops.... fuck u with ur useless free pass

                            ii_kang OMG! that's too expensive. Not quite worth it. I do buy books since I've been collecting the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children series from 1- 4. To be honest buying all 4 books would cost me around $50 but that's already the complete set including the extra book.

                              ii_kang OMG! that's too expensive. Not quite worth it. I do buy books since I've been collecting the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children series from 1- 4. To be honest buying all 4 books would cost me around $50 but that's already the complete set including the extra book.

                                This new version made me lose interests in this app what a shame

                                This new update is just bad as hell.
                                No way to get coins, preveligue still costs a lot. Like A LOT. Im buying coins only for 1 novel. When it ends I will buy no more. Greedy webnovel made buggy as hell system.

                                  My coins didnt even increase but instead it decrease without me using it! Is this what you call to improve reading experience?!┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

                                    WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Where are the Coins I earned from reading? I thought you changed SS to coins... I decided to Consume all my previous coins tHinking that I can earn it back from reading rewards, but until now it's still "0"... what happened to it? where is it now?

                                      WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Where are the Coins I earned from reading? I thought you changed SS to coins... I decided to Consume all my previous coins tHinking that I can earn it back from reading rewards, but until now it's still "0"... what happened to it? where is it now?

                                        Veykey this is right, I can say that I am also a freeloader not because I want it but because here in my country wages vs. Commodity prices are not equal at all. I love to read but I don't like to spend much on my reading because my wages are just enough for my family needs so I can only rely on free Ss and coins but now with the new version of webnovel even the lenght of my reading cannot get free coins. I can only used internet in my compony premises because its free and I really cannot afford spending so much for my own.

                                          update : new version 4.3.0 works again on IOS 9.3.5
                                          Finally i can get that "Reading Experience" :p

                                            Web novel I really do prefer the old version, this is cause I don't get anything from reading anymore I don't know the use of the points and I don't know how many I have.

                                              I don't like this new version at all. I read free and sometimes I spend when I find a book completed I like I wanna finish but I think the old version was better. This version feels like you get less for your buck and I notice some of the books are turning premium after like 15 chapters. The old version was better this just feels like they want more money.

                                                It'd be much better if instead of points we get coins while reading.. not many are able to buy coins and the ones we have are depleting rapidly. Please consider changing the point system with coins... 🙏🏻

                                                It'd be much better if instead of points we get coins while reading.. not many are able to buy coins and the ones we have are depleting rapidly. Please consider changing the point system with coins... 🙏🏻

                                                  I don't really know how the coin system works. Coins obtained from reading time can not be use to unlock chapters. So, what is it for??

                                                    Web Novel Novel Ask