ValKree I use 2-step everywhere they have it. As I have some accounts that I share with others, I use really basic passwords (still good enough to not be hacked if you know how to keep yourself safe) for those so I don't have to tell them the same thing again and again. And I kid you not, the only thing that's kept those accounts safe is 2-step authentication as when someone I share the account with needs to login on a new device, they can just msg me and I give them the code that's needed. I receive these notifications of Someone just tried to log in to your account from this country and that country from time to time, and facepalm. Although the accounts are disposable, creating new ones and filling them with the same data again is annoying.
As for getting hacked, well, I have never been hacked and I hope it stays that way. Also, lol, I am so good at thinking up hard passwords that even I forget them some times (have lost one Google account to date because of no recovery method). So a password manager is a must have, too.