ValKree I use 2-step everywhere they have it. As I have some accounts that I share with others, I use really basic passwords (still good enough to not be hacked if you know how to keep yourself safe) for those so I don't have to tell them the same thing again and again. And I kid you not, the only thing that's kept those accounts safe is 2-step authentication as when someone I share the account with needs to login on a new device, they can just msg me and I give them the code that's needed. I receive these notifications of Someone just tried to log in to your account from this country and that country from time to time, and facepalm. Although the accounts are disposable, creating new ones and filling them with the same data again is annoying.

As for getting hacked, well, I have never been hacked and I hope it stays that way. Also, lol, I am so good at thinking up hard passwords that even I forget them some times (have lost one Google account to date because of no recovery method). So a password manager is a must have, too.

4 days later

Seventieth Thought: Picking Videos for Healthcare Class Presentation

It hurts, I cannot find a video that is not ugly (blurry or unflattering to the eye), has a shaky cameraman, is over ten minutes or has poor audio. I might be using the wrong keywords or something because none of these videos are going to touch my presentation. I tried looking for animations but nope.
The thing is...videos are a must. Facepalms
I just need a short video about a medical machine that has been studied so many times. I am tempted to go make a video for future students.

I am a drama queen....I know.

Seventy-Eighth Thought: Editing Works

My brain is completely fried...after editing three works (one chapter from each person). Two clients dropped because I was taking too long with one and I was like "mmmm. Kay". I like editing works that are not mine though, I am more motivated to edit stories that are not my own. I might be weird but whatever.

    ValKree I'm sure writers here will see this post and have stars in their eyes XD.

    Editing is a cool way to learn about other styles too. The editing process is a skill that unlocks a lot of doors careerwise.

      Veronica8 Haha, what type of stars? The glittery ones or the ones flying around?

      It really is and I think it would have been cool to edit more than one chapter each but alas, time and life won't allow it. I doubt I would do anything writing-related as work or a side job. However, it definitely does give more opportunities for exposure and interactions.

      Seventy-Ninth Thought: Calculus Teacher Using Internet Lingo (LOL)

      Yep, you read that right. I currently have a calculus teacher and since we are starting online schooling, he sent an Email which had "LOL" in it. Everyone was so caught off guard because it was an Email sent to students and parents. The class has a group chat on Instagram and everyone flocked to say "what, am I seeing that right? He wrote LOL!"
      Then, when the classroom was set up, everyone spammed the first post with "lol" in different styles.
      I love my peers this year...

      11 days later

      Eightieth Thought: Still Here, Somehow

      I've been really busy for the past month so I rarely post on WN anymore. I have been exploring other writing platforms but I'm staying here in case there are readers and friends who may be waiting for me.
      I'll still lurk here though.

      Eighty-First Thought: How Are You All?

      Lately, I have been trying to find stuff to post here but none of them seem to be interesting enough so I'm wondering...the title. What are your thoughts? How is your situation? Stuff like that. I might not see your replies after a few days but feel free to share anything.

      10 days later

      Eighty-First Thought: My Dumb Self Spelt...

      Asymptote as assymptote...thrice. woopsies

        5 days later

        Eighty-Second Thought: SevenSuns Crew's Decline

        I'm not sure if anyone here knows that @SevenSuns is a collaboration between me and three friends but...this crazy time is keeping us all from working on what we love most: our books. I have been taking to them and only one can continue writing with his crazy schedule. So, after about two months of working together, we decided to take a break to recollect ourselves.

        I've already been quiet on this account but I have been working hard on Wattpad. I am also pausing on Tapas, Royal Road and Quotev. Readers have been so kind and understanding that I feel guilty. Will they wait? How long will they keep reading? And worst of all, what is we or I never return?

        I don't want to think about it...but it has happened before.

        Besides that, how are you all?

        22 days later

        Eighty-Third Thought: I am still here, lurking

        Who missed me? No one, probably
        I am still taking a long break from updating on WN but I am very active on other sites T-T
        Also, I made a new Discord account after losing mine to the spam filter -_-
        If you would like to reach me, maybe I will leave my Discord info here. But I highly doubt there would be a need for it.
        I hope you are all doing well. I may try to post here weekly after this one.

        4 days later

        Eighty-Fourth Thought: Did I Talk About When...

        13-year-old me had my work stolen on Wattpad. Yep, I was writing my first book (that was very cringe-worthy) when one day I stumbled upon a book with a similar title and identical synopsis but of course, an effort was made to change some stuff. So, I went in and found myself reading 22 chapters of my book but the character and kingdom names were changed. How clever. They copied my work at least four months after it was published.

        I then discovered that the writer wrote beyond what I had published and this is where things just got funny. Since I am generous, I would say that their grammar and spelling was slightly worse than my terrible writing. At the time, my book had only a few thousand reads so I thought they were bored or looking for a boost. For some reason, it seemed like they only copied mine. It was laughable because perhaps they thought they could get reads by doing that. They did not.

        I always forget to check this place. -_-

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