Thirty-Seventh Thought: I Wish I Can Dance
It's not even the fact that I'm clumsy and I have stepped on many boys' feet before, it's just my tendency to forget steps. I don't remember choreographies and I can't do something over and over again. Even if I write with a pencil for a long time, the pencil starts to move in wonky ways. I probably won't be able to work at assembly lines because I'll be fine...until a certain amount of time.
I think it's my free soul that just wants to do what it wants.
I've taken some dance lessons and I try to follow videos on the Macarena (I hope that's how it's spelt. I'll be back if it is incorrect), but I always screw up. I will try again and I'll be fine for a good amount of time before I forget or can't follow a dance.
Dancing looks so cool and I know it takes a lot of practice, but it's just not for me. Writing and drawing will always be my thing.