- Edited
Hey dear how are you been!!! I'm was in soompi last time to search you hugsss. Tired but still alive...I will poke you back in soompi dear
a lot to said what happen in my life and here.
So long guys in this tread, I'm still alive.
We do have so much covid19 in Canada and winter doesn't help at all. Covid19 love cold and can stay alive so long in the snow for example. WE sadly start the second Lock out the December 17 to January 11. Too much covid19 and our hospital will crash ....soon hm
Toronto omg 2275 infected in only 24h...I can't go visit my family uncle over there...too dangerous.
We finally have the vaccine and now 1200 peoples got it. I will not be able to take this vaccine because I got too much allergy in my past story with vaccine...maybe wait with moderna or astra zenaca. I will wait to get the vaccine hm...just to see what happen later. Phase 3 was conclude to fast with Pfizer...will wait hm
Johnson&Johnson vaccine will complete the phase 3 at the end in January
Be safe everyone and please mask, clean hand and stay home!!! For saving friend and family, no party!!!