Hey dearπŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™ how are you been!!! I'm was in soompi last time to search you hugsss. Tired but still alive...I will poke you back in soompi dear😘😘😘😘 a lot to said what happen in my life and here.

So long guys in this tread, I'm still alive.
We do have so much covid19 in Canada and winter doesn't help at all. Covid19 love cold and can stay alive so long in the snow for example. WE sadly start the second Lock out the December 17 to January 11. Too much covid19 and our hospital will crash ....soon hm

Toronto omg 2275 infected in only 24h...I can't go visit my family uncle over there...too dangerous.

We finally have the vaccine and now 1200 peoples got it. I will not be able to take this vaccine because I got too much allergy in my past story with vaccine...maybe wait with moderna or astra zenaca. I will wait to get the vaccine hm...just to see what happen later. Phase 3 was conclude to fast with Pfizer...will wait hm

Johnson&Johnson vaccine will complete the phase 3 at the end in January πŸ‘

Be safe everyone and please mask, clean hand and stay home!!! For saving friend and family, no party!!!

    Seem they said today...omega3 help the inflammation from the covid19 in your body. They make some 45 days check people a d the result seem promise.

    Oh fellow Canadian....we lock out again πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜” but that is for humanity.
    If I can just rest...I will be glad...I wasn't no stop working here😭😭😭

    Many people do not wear masks in our country, hospitals are closed under Covid-19. Nobody observes the quarantine. Media to stop whipping up hysteria. Covid-19 statistics are not reliable.
    Everything is open, schools, kindergartens, universities, hotels, restaurants and cafes. Public transport works. The statistics for six months on deaths was not published. Since the data for the first time in 29 years differed in their trends.

    In general, doctors are not qualified, many deaths are associated not with the virus itself, but not with the ability to treat it, the use of the wrong medicine tablets.

    There is talk of a second wave ... but so far no one takes it seriously. Everyone is preparing to celebrate the New Year in close company.

    The vaccine will be vaccinated by Sputnik-Russian and Chinese vaccines.

    While such news.

      I live in the middle of the United States. There are currently in my state 585k cases of the COVID-19 virus, 0 recovered, and 7k + deaths. This isn't even the total throughout this while pandemic. Just in December alone.

      This virus is getting scary and even taking extra precautions; wearing masks correctly, sanitizing everything everyday, and taking temperatures, are not doing anything to stop it from now reaching my work.

      Everyday there is an new case and nobody has recovered fully from this virus yet, nor has came back. I have a young daughter at home that has only ever known being in quarentine lockdown. No outside. No playing at a park with other kids. Not even been to a store before. All because of this virus. It is sad that this may never get better and the new generation of kids will only ever know this life.

      My state is getting worse and I don't know what to do anymore. My work is getting worse too and I can't just stop working, but I am getting more afraid to come home to my husband and daughter because of the risk I'm taking even being out in the field. My father has had a coworker recently that both his wife and him have died in a coma from corona, leaving behind their 4 kids. This is serious. This is REAL. And anyone not thinking it is, I hope they get a reality check soon.

      This world is scary beyond belief. Please be careful and I pray that anyone being effected with this virus may make a full recovery. <3

      Hope is still there, just for how long?

      My father, my biological, has also passed away during this virus on August 10th. Anyone that wants to talk or rant or just have someone to listen to, please reply to me on this forum.

      I am here to express human compassion to anyone experiencing loss because of this virus. So please. I am here if anyone needs me! <3

      We have hidden real data on deaths. A new double-sided pneumonia has appeared, but it is not considered covid-19 and death from disease is not included in the statistics from covid-19. People stopped believing in official statistics.

      Many had been ill with covid-19 in a mild form and did not even know about it. There are few tests, in just 9 months, less than 8 percent of the total population of tests for detecting covid-19 were done.

      After an illness in people, as a side effect, legs fail, muscle atrophy, blood pressure rises (conventional medications do not help much, they are treated with leeches, from traditional medicine, the course is 10 days) and blood thickens.

      Over the past 4 months, 7 acquaintances, from engineers to heads of departments, have died.

      Life goes on. By June 2021, they promise to vaccinate 60 percent of the country's population. Vaccines untested Sputnik is a Russian and Chinese vaccine, which is currently being tested in our country on several thousand volunteers.

      You can buy oxygen concentrators for a 2 month salary in the online store in Priitsa, about $ 300, Chinese for 5 and 7 liters.

      In the hospital, all medicines and food are at the expense of the patient. This is provided that, formally, our medicine is free.

      Treatment for covid-19 in hospitals costs $ 4,500 for 2 weeks, while the average salary in the capital is $ 250 per month.

      At home, treatment is cheaper, about $ 1000 for 3 weeks

      9 days later

      Yume97 Hi chingu glad that you are doing okay. I am doing okay. You and your family please be safe by wearing mask and gloves . I am mostly at this site. I am sometimes at soompi but mostly at janghaven.com

      Everyone who are essential workers be safe and take SCRE everyone. Do what you have to do for you and your family. Stay Mentally strong and there are a lot of help out there for anyone who needs it.

      Happy Holidays everyone

        12 days later

        Hey chingu!!! πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™ how are You?
        I'm still alive dear but tired with the covid19. I'm stressing with some issues with webnovel too sigh.
        Anyway, we are in lock down second time and also curfew starting Saturday from 8pm to 5am. Too much travelers coming back and we do have explosions cases right now...I mean our hospital will be crash soon if it's continue like that for the next 3 weeks.

        I meet some people coming back from Florida in one restaurant Tim Horton WITHOUT quarantine. Canadians people just doesn't care for the quarantine...they just don't do it πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

        I have some daddy friend who just pass away...not because the covid but cancer. I know a lot grandpa and grandma dies without the family in hospital because the covid....family can't go and the funeral is only 10 person and online. Stress for all people who lose someone dear...the funeral place is full too.

        The vaccines is go well here...but some refuse too. Me I can't take the Pfizer one because I do have a extreme reaction allergy so will wait with moderna or astrazenaca

        I will take vacation soon...I'm tired dear sigh....

        Please be safe dear with your family and friend !!!!!!

        Please be safe everyone in the world it's the humanity battle right now and isn't the last one too!!!!!

        All the peoples spat on quarantine. Now they are testing a Chinese vaccine on volunteers. Mass vaccinations will be in the spring.

        In the meantime, 60 percent are already walking without masks. Employees of pharmacies, supermarkets, utilities, all without masks, sneeze, cough, and right where people stand in line. They wipe their nose with their hands, then take the money and give back change or receipts.

        In pharmacies there are pharmacists without masks and customers, both of them sneeze, there are people in line, sneezing on them.

        Many people still don't believe in COVID-19.

        Local media say that we have run out of covid-19. But ambulances often travel at crossroads. Quoid-19 statistics were no longer published.

        Prices for masks are again higher.

          My family went through the Covid-19 less than a month ago. It was pretty easy for me, my wife and kids, but my father (79) spent three weeks in the hospital. Thanks to the gods, all ended relatively well

            Hey friend I forgot which country you are? Me well here it's a lot stress, a lot car accident today because the curfew tomorrow, crazy people are really violent, they are so stressing that they fight people in front of me easily πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

              Are your father is ok with his taste or smelling? He tired right...for sure to stay in intensive place for 3 week, your lose your muscle...he probably need to use like 8 months to be like before before. 3 week take really long time to rest so please take care him a lot !!!

                Yume97 Post Soviet Central Asia. Our townspeople have ceased to feel fear of Covid-19, they violate quarantine requirements every minute. They walk without masks, sneeze, when asked to wear a mask and keep a social distance, they can get into a verbal fight. The most unpleasant thing is when a pharmacist without a mask or a public service employee, filling out a receipt, sneezes, then rubs his nose with his hand, and passes the receipt or medicine with this hand. If the medicine can be sanitized, then what to do with the paper receipt ????

                So far, only 8 percent of the population has been tested for covid-19.

                  Yume97 Are your father is ok with his taste or smelling? He tired right...for sure to stay in intensive place for 3 week, your lose your muscle...he probably need to use like 8 months to be like before before. 3 week take really long time to rest so please take care him a lot !!!

                  Thanks! He's tired, but ok now, and I had to hire a home attendant with some skills in rehabilitation therapy

                  Gourmet_DAO Post Soviet Central Asia

                  You inherited it with our Mongolian genes. We always think - "it will probably be ok", "it can happen with anyone, but me", "if it happens, it happens" and so on πŸ˜‚

                    Dwarkin Well, not without it. The steppe has always healed, with free air, herbs, kumis. "Perhaps, I suppose and somehow!" :)

                      Oh that why!!! You are so lucky in your place then. Me, sigh, from North America, Canada we have right now 650 000 casesπŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜” In my city, 48% people did meet or do some party in Christmas and New Year lock down. The survey give you the answer....we have right now a explosion case and max 3 week...if the curfew today not work...we start to do the same choice like Spain or Italia. We chose who will live or who will dies. No choice...our hospital will crash soon.

                      You also need him to take a lot vitamin d, vitamin c and omega 3. Exercise too. He also need to go outside when the weather is better. Are you from North America too?

                        Yume97 thanks, we have a prescription, there are also some anticoagulants.
                        And nope, I'm living in Asia 😁

                          Yume97 No ... they just stopped keeping statistics. And there are so many ambulances at the crossroads. Many patients are sitting, treated at home. Death statistics were no longer published for a year at all. Therefore, no one knows for sure whether covid-19 really won or not. It's just that the media stopped paying attention to this, and the townspeople themselves no longer believe in covid-19. They say it's just a complication of the flu.

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