Deruson God why do you always spam with “up” ffs it hurts to even look at your messages
Apocalypse Summoner
SilverThiec nvm, -2 for gender bender
Priest_Murong cause i cant delete my past "ups", lol
+1 Hope to see this novel picked up
Deruson Just stop spamming up to make it look like there's more ppl commenting when it's just you. Ffs man it's pathetic
@Deruson Considering that many complaints, including my own, about this novel go from "incredibly effeminate" to "outright gender swapping" to "taking it up the backdoor" to enjoying "his" rape, I'm really wondering if that doesn't say something about why you are so excited about this novel.
Self projection mayhaps?
That said, i'm more on the NO side. If they have enough translators, i'd rather they pick up something like "Martial Arts Master" which is practically abandoned because the current one is a failure.
CreamPuffDelights why so high?
Did I mentioned about gender bender at my first impression about this book.
Second, self projection? Never I thought that. I was laughing here since your like screaming. Something like "The heck is that!"
Then tell me, if you didn't read the chapters aout rape/gender bender, what's gonna be your comment?
For me I didn't know! And you even know that there is a rape scene, that means you read this book because of curiosity. But so what if there are rape/gender bender/something like butt scene.
I have the my mind not to read that chapters and I'm a mature person to decide what to read and what is not to read.
Saying no because of rape(I think this is your point) doesn't mean that I must not read the novels with rape! Most novels that I read are great!
God and Devil World for example.
No one can stop me reading it but I could stop myself not read the rape scenes.
You know what, if you're not an open minded person, please don't comment because one day you will encounter more than this. Its 2018 already, and yet you don't know what to do and what not to do.
Priest_Murong ugh, i know but can you give a suggestion what should I do if not commenting like up. Like if no one will comment you can't see this thread in the first page since active thread will be put in the first page lol. I'm using mobile app.
Deruson Naturally if people like the topic, they’ll comment on it, if not it’ll be lost. Wouldn’t you commenting on it make it unfair to others? The system is there for a reason
Priest_Murong It's not that I stopping anyonr to comment. Its just that stop personalizing the comments on what the novels they like. You don't know anyone. You're hinting that I like I want self-projection but surely you don't know the story why did I like this novel.
No to rape. No to gender bender.
But so what, I love the quality, the fight scenes, the story of survival, trust, hate, loayalty and many more to write.
I'm did not focus on what's the hate. I look what is more than apocalypse. And I am tired reading swords, magics, A.I., future techs. I want this novels because of its new style, summoner.
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Deruson no one asked why you liked it. I’m telling you it’s blatant self promotion and is unfair to other commenters that want their novels pick up. You’re not the center of the universe and neither is your taste the best in the world, it’s subjective. If people want to read your novel they will comment on it. I’m advising you to stop spamming for your novel to be up because it’s a scummy as fuck move.
Stop bypassing the system they put in place to put popular novels on top. I think you have enough comments now so stop for fucks sake
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Priest_Murong I would like to point something and correct your words for me.
Tell me how to promote this thread, without commenting up. Commenting by +1? Commenting some random words? Chatting myself on the thread that I made?
Commenting "up" is to make the thread made in latest discussions. If someone didn't "comment" or "upping" the thread, this thread cannot be seen in the latest.
I think your the only person, maybe, saying like I'm the center of this universe/planet/cosmos/etc. LOL.
At least I'm not spamming my "up". If there is two or more " ups", it mean I up this thread three times in a different time.
By the way, I asked the another person to give me a recommendation if I should not spam the "up".
I cannot stick the discussion since I'm not a moderator
Report it, if I am spamming. Sad to say, for you, a moderator even give me advice.
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It will be promoted up if other people comment up. That means there’s a lot of activity. That’s why the system was put in place, to pick up popular novels. And no, I’m not saying you think you’re god, and I have never said I am above you. I’m saying you neglect to think of other people putting their novel up but maybe don’t have enough time to keep spamming on their thread, or maybe they’re not shameless and want to do it fairly. Think about it, if everyone spammed like you, what is the point of the system they put in place? And it seems in your original reply you write the novel you are putting up as better than the other novels being picked up because apparently to you it’s not generic. Basically justifying your actions because you think your taste in novel is better.
Well do you want me to report it? Are you egging me on to report you for spamming? Because I can, I just chose not to because it’s always better to reason with others than force them, especially for something like this which can be reasoned with.