what the heck happened with the rewards for the check in and vote in for novels they've been replaced with EXP...so disappointing....
ikr! Such a disappointment....
I hope the change does not stay, I read 3 chapters daily because it's free. If I cannot do that, it will be "goodby app".
Same QI is being greedy again.
I was really confused when i checked in. I thought my eyes were deceiving me when I received 5 exp.
Reggi_04 ,I Agree in you
Hmm. Wait and see. Despite what WN has implemented in the past. They have always given a free read option of sorts.
Maybe something new is happening that hasn't been communicated yet.
We all know that WN sucks at communicating changes.
I'm going to given them the benefit of the doubt. At least for 72 hours.
Veridor they're slowly removing the free features. I don't like it.
whanderlist and I've been saving all my free pass incase there is a mass release and now only one free pass per day. Sad.
So, no more free options to read locked chapters? Wow... Sad.
I thought this was a glitch and that they would restore it in a few hours or so...
No changes.
whanderlist make sure you use them with 7 days/24 hrs of receiving them. Otherwise they'll expire. You're best to use them as soon as you receive them or close to, so you don't let them expire.
I thought it was a joke...
It's awful to see how they can't keep a system stable for even three months.
And they said in December that they realized they must have a better communication, promised us to do so and now they change something without a previous notice.
- Edited
For now, I would like to recommend everyone to complete their tasks from the Desktop Website. The Desktop Website is giving the correct same rewards as before.
- 1 Fast Pass for Check-in.
- 1 Fast Pass for Power Stone Vote.
- 1 Fast Pass for Energy Stone Vote.
- 5 Exp for Writing a Review
- 5 Exp for Writing a Comment
- 5 Exp for Replying to a Comment
- 5 Exp for Rating a Chapter
- 5 Exp for Gifting two Books
- 5 Exp for Check-in.
- 1 Fast Pass for Power Stone Vote. (Verified this. It says 5 Exp but gives 1 Fast Pass)
- 1 Fast Pass for Energy Stone Vote. (Verified this. It says 5 Coins but gives 1 Fast Pass)
... Everything else is the same as for Desktop Site
Watching the AD (App-only) still gives 5 Exp, too.
For now, I would like to recommend everyone to complete their tasks from the Desktop Website. The Desktop Website is giving the correct rewards.
- 1 Fast Pass for Check-in.
- 1 Fast Pass for Power Stone Vote.
- 1 Fast Pass for Energy Stone Vote.
- 5 Exp for Writing a Review
- 5 Exp for Writing a Comment
- 5 Exp for Replying to a Comment
- 5 Exp for Rating a Chapter
- 5 Exp for Gifting two Books
1. 5 Exp for Check-in.
2. 1 Fast Pass for Power Stone Vote. (Verified this. It says Exp but gives 1 Fast Pass)
3. 1 Fast Pass for Energy Stone Vote. (Verified this. It says 5 Coins but gives 1 Fast Pass)
... Everything else is the same as for Desktop Site
Watching the AD (App-only) still gives 5 Exp, too.