
BaeVida the devilish assassin meets the angelic detective. Heres the title of my book. I am currently reading yours

    Supersam362 done with the book review please return the's my book. The devilish assassin meets the angelic detective. Thank you

      Iā€™m still up for limitless numbers of review swap. Mine is Searching for Andromeda ā€” hit me up if you wanna review swap. :100:

        Reincarnation: They Think I'm The Devil Lord
        (Tensei: Karera wa watashi ga akuma omoda to omoimasu)

        I don't remember how long I was in the dark after what seemed an eternity I heard of a warm voice.

        The kami of my world bowed his head to me apologizing for what had happened.
        As confusing the situation was, in the end, I could not blame him.
        He offered my reincarnation as compensation

        The only problem is ... The people of this world think I am a Demon Lord'm-the-Devil-Lord

        Give it a try and review.

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