will do friends and thank youu
April 2020: Promote Your Novels Here/Review Swap
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Nightmare_weaver ElsbroSparka
Do you want to swap reviews?
prada_murthy Done! Read up to 5 chapters. Keep up the good work!
Nightmare_weaver Hi! I love the book cover and premise of your story :) I have a thing for the 'weak' and 'timid' to strong stories and will be checking out!
If you don't mind reading slow-paced fantasy romance in urban setting, I'd love to review swap with you! https://www.webnovel.com/book/16640335106785105/Moon-Bunny%3A-Threaded-Fate (I made a discord thing too, since I'm not used to forums lol)
If anyone wants a swap, just ping me and I'll see what I can do. Will usually review within the day.
I’m new here. Just finished a short story here on Webnovel. Even though I’m getting a lot of reviewers and I appreciate it, I haven’t got a review on the story so far. Would appreciate one, if anyone’s interested:
Larry Stylinson/ 1D
Parallel universe => they characters aren’t musicians
Short story, 3 chapters
RachelRuth Nagisa_Chwan Hi wanna swap review with me? Here is my book:
Kiiara hi
Sure. Seems like everybody loves your story and you’ve got great reviews.
I’d love to swap with you.
Nagisa_Chwan okayy..I’ll get down to your story then
Kiiara thank you.
But just to let you know, I’m currently at work, so I won’t be making good and noticeable progress for now. I’ll make sure to update you when I’ve made progress before the end of the day
Nagisa_Chwan okay. I’ll just read yours first. Do take your take your time so you can enjoy the story
Anyone who want to swap review?
This my link on my book.
@prada_murthy I have reviewed yours. Please do return the favour. :)
MokouFriedChicken I would love too!
Thanks for the review.
I have reviewed your book. An interesting original concept.
Hey guys I have been In the Starlet feature for 2 weeks :) Let me know what you think of my novel!
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I have reviewed your book.
Kindly review mine when you have the time.
Will review your stuff your stuff within the day. My story is called Tales from Midas: The Runaway.
I read all the 5 chapters of your book. A refreshing change. Posted review too.
Don’t mind me just shamelessly plugging my novel