Supersam362 I did your review
April 2020: Promote Your Novels Here/Review Swap
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Regnov Reviewed it, would you kindly return the favor
Who wants to have swap review with me>? ill be online waiting:)
JS_C yup will do it now thank you!
Anyone want to do a review swap with my book ‘across the border’ ??
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Regnov done from kiljoy130. Please return the favour with a 5.
My book is E.S. system: return to the enchanted planet.
And believe me or not, I have read your novel. It have a picture of mountain before, that I remember
Darlene_Virginia sure will be done from killjoy130.
Mine is E.S. system: return to the enchanted planet.
Darlene_Virginia hello wanna swap review? :)