So basically I am newbie as you see for my level...and I am trying to get around here....well correct me if I am wrong in something in terms of rules or policy and the sorts...

I will share my book here as I understand from the above post..

Well here it is.....

This novel might not be Eastern or Western but in between as I am trying to combine many elements as well as create and experimenting in different types..

The synopsis:

In the lands above and below.
There lay many worlds; many unknown and many known.
A soul on Earth has a mission to accomplish within the vast worlds.
But first, he has to stabilize his planet from dangers by tempering himself in another world with with 12 other individuals and saving that planet in the process but, it won't be easy.
Follow this soul and his companions through the challenges and accomplishing their missions, while, they create a legend reaching far above the worlds.
However, our protagonist, not only will just do missions..he will do a lot more...
just like his companions, they have dreams to accomplish.
So come wanderer.Towards the path of Glory, Greatness and Fantasy.This is the legend of a person changing the world as he set is foot in history for an eternity.

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