- Edited
Welcome to the first Forum Writing Seminar!
An event by the writing community for the writing community. :yellow_heart:
Join our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/mNJybqg
What's this forum seminar?
Writer's always need feedback, but at times, it's difficult to find the constructive criticism that you need. That's what this seminar is here for. In this monthly event, writers may each submit an excerpt, based on the theme of the seminar, and have other writers give feedback on it.
This event is composed of two main groups: the editors and the writers.
The editors are a volunteer-based group and writers as well. The writers are composed of all the authors on Webnovel.
About this Seminar Edition
In this edition of the seminar, the theme is... drumroll please...
How To Write a Good Synopsis!
Writing a good synopsis for your work is important. After all, the synopsis is the first impression readers have of your novel, other than the cover and title page. A good synopsis vs. a bad synopsis can decide whether or not you gain or lose a reader. Therefore, to start our seminars off, the first theme is over synopses.
If you need help over writing a synopsis, feel free to check out our editor-compiled guide here.
How do I participate?
It's simple. You may either write a new synopsis for this edition of the seminar, or choose to submit a synopsis of an already existing novel.
When you have selected/written the synopsis you want to submit for feedback (each author may only submit one), head over to CLOSED, LINK DELETED.
The URL is also right here: CLOSED
Instructions are given in the form.
When you have submitted your form, you will only need to sit back and wait. In the meantime, you can also join our Discord server. At the Discord, you can reach out to the editors and connect with fellow authors!
After the editors have finished with their feedback, the feedback will be published in a Google Document that will be shared with the rest of the forum. Once you've received your feedback, you may communicate with the editor who has reviewed your work here on the forum, or by privately reaching out to them on Discord!
The Calendar
04/01/2020 ♢ Seminar start. Submissions open.
04/08/2020 ♢ Submissions close. Editors begin reviewing.
04/22/2020 ♢ Reviewing ends. Feedback is published.
04/30/2020 ♢ Seminar closes.
05/01/2020 ♢ Next Seminar begins.
Other Information
- Credit to the content editors who came up with the original concept/were the inspiration for this seminar!
- If any authors are discovered to be violating the rules (both those listed in this thread, and the forum guidelines as well, such as if they are discovered to be submitting multiple entries, or harassing the editors/etc., their submissions will be ignored.
- Please submit your entry with an accepting mindset towards constructive criticism. This isn't an event where you join just to get praised. You will likely receive criticism of some sort, and it's important to be able to accept it. If you do not feel this way, then it is not recommended that you participate.
- It's highly recommended that you join the Discord server to receive notification announcements, communicate better with the editors/other authors, and to participate in a writing community with helpful resources, such as writing class streams, research links, writing tips, word count trackers, writing competitions, motivation/support, and more!
- If you would like your feedback to be given to you privately, you must join the Discord and communicate with @yaoyueyi.
- If you have any suggestions for what you would like to see in the future seminars (this event will become a monthly event if successful), feel free to leave a message to @yaoyueyi, @Cantiara, or @Veronica8!
- If you have any questions/confusion/concerns, feel free to ask down below!