The best era of webnovels from China was 2007-2013 in my opinion and its sad to see great qidian works stuck on unknown websites that clearly dont care. Some translate as little as 1 chapter per 2-3 weeks. Name some qidian books that you would like to free from the hands of slow translation groups or that have been dropped for years. :)

    Long live summons, Immortal, Demons Diary, Pivot of the sky, Law of the devil, World destroying demonic emperor, Eternal martial sovereign.

    Can I add in Strange Life of a Cat into that mix for things to translate, its a fun series and they are already consistently translating a novel that is popular by the same author.

      To snatch from other translation group is very rude, are you a bot working for Qidian? While I fully agree on taking over dropped novel, to take it over forcefully from the other is what a scumbag piece of shite with no goodness would do.

        5 days later

        Daoist_Zheng Why exactly do you think someone can just arbitrarily say "Ya im translating this." when they have no copyright is ok? It is one thing for translation groups like volare who actually pump out consistent chapters with quality but sorry that I dont want to wait a decade for some slow uncarring translator to finish a novel. I would much rather pay qidian money to read their novels with consistent fast translation speed.

        It is a disgusting mindset to have to believe you are somehow entitled to profit off of or get for free an authors work without their permission.

          RABBITICOL If it was just a matter of payment then they would have no issue coming to this platform for qidian or ww for zhongeng and 17k. They want to be independent and hold translation speed hostage with their patreon.

          I spent 2.5k on this app last year, I have no problem paying for translations as long as they are quality fast releases. I do however have a problem being forced to pay into a group fund so that others can freeload off of me if I want any kind of decent effort put in by a translator.

          Instead of having translators that are willing to work hard pumping out garbage new novels on this platform they should be working on popular novels that are in the hands of basically thieves.

          I want to finish stories before I turn middle aged and im willing to pay with a fair system like on this website..

            Gokeio your best bet would be to share the knowledge of these illegal translations with the legal translators who can issue a case and desist, but that won't guarantee that your novels will be picked up instead of the other trial read novels or even enter the trial read pool at all.
            As for the trial read novels, since you spend so much already, your best bet would probably be to multi-account and use paid coins on each alt to boost the novel in trial read. Of course I don't know the required threshold for trial read novels to get promoted, but if the novel never gets promoted, at least you get the coins back?

              KoraL All the trial reads are generic or just bad at least for the male lead content. They keep trying to push books by new qidian authors but the censorship laws have gotten so bad that entire genres are basically banned. Older books that came out before 2013 are far better. If all they ever push is the new crap I will probably just stop spending money and reread old stuff.

                a month later

                Gokeio not really there are some good ones like boss behind the game god of games building the ultimate fantasy etc not all are generic but most are

                  True actually, there are some amazing novels made before, and they even stopped translation of those stories completely

                  I recommend Legend of the cultivation god
                  (Yes, long story, but it is so good)
                  (Last translation was 1 year ago (for 2-3 chapters ), reached chapter 162)

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