notyoursavior I'm reviewing yours
May 2020: Promote Your Novel Here/Review Swap
RenuKakkar I started to read your book but it's late and I will read at least 5 chapters tomorrow too tired now but since it does not make my head hurt like some other stuff I read I will return tomorrow.
If you can review 4 chapters of "My insomnia is killing you in return" that would be great.
RenuKakkar I already have <3 thank you, I look forward to having more indepth reviews in the future
Valence_Lao I read up to chapter three and left my review and will continue to read later. Much love <3
Sunny_Skies kinda sticking my nose in here, but would you like to review swap?
Done reviewing your book!!
Darlene_Virginia thank you!
Can I get in on the swapping action? My novel is Tales from Midas.
bobozanga of course! Just reply to this with your book link and we can swap
Primate It's a cool book.
Primate It's a cool book.
Does anyone want to do a review swap? Please just reply to this comment and I will do it or put a review in my book and I will do it ASAP.