Youryum I'm not spreading lies about the Patreons since they just visible before everything, Qidian just made a way for dealing with it.. haven't you give consideration for all the efforts they were doing for the convenient use of those novels?
Qidian cheating users from Spirit Stones
Rokuman_24 Why would I even believe with that?
Youryum Cause it was factual that they do their best actions for the whole group and it was your own problem why you could not accept that as a fact that it was really as it was...
Rokuman_24 You know what kid it was so really hard to argue with the people who just really having a hard time with themselves, so why not cool yourself and let them get out from you nerves?
Them expiring is ridiculous honestly.
Gibbs Nope its true.
Taken from Sailor Boy Patreon Page of Immortal Mortal:
Hi everyone, we understand that many of you are frustrated with this new premium program. To be honest, we are feeling no different than all of you. I've read through the comments that some of you have put here and on and I would like to make some clarifications.
- Translators aren't the ones deciding the way the chapters are charged, as well as the number of spirit stones are charged per chapter.
- We are contracted translators that sell our chapters to Qidian to upload. The way they choose to upload up to them.
- Translators do not get incentives from the premium program. As said in (2), we are contracted translators. Thus, we have a fixed pay per chapter. Premium chapters go directly to Qidian.
- Patreon vs. Premium is not a legit fight. As contracted translators, we cannot do anything which undermines the goals of Qidian. Originally when there wasn't the premium program, we were allowed to run Patreon as a means to earn more income. But now, we have to take it down. Frankly, this isn't better for us cos our salaries fall due to this. This fall is close to a 40% fall.
We understand that these clarifications won't do much to change the fact that Immortal Mortal will be an expensive novel to read. However, we hope that all of you will continue to support this novel and our translation team. Besides Immortal Mortal, there are still other novels that our Sparrow Translations will be translating and we believe that they will also be as exciting. Do keep a look out for them! :)
i told you right, he is being sarcasm when he create this
Gibbs Oh! I thought that there will be special (hidden) privileges if you buy SS...
NormalRanked Well maybe someday there will be...
Antoin Maybe that would mark the unsatisfied ones satisfied. Well if they implemented it haha
NormalRanked Sounds a good idea for bringing the war down haha
NormalRanked Yes there is a special privilege. They can give you a badge next o your icon. Congratulations. That will be the moat you'll get in the future from it thought.
Gibbs I always wanted a badge... cause my friends have one and I don't :'(
Gibbs Oh ok.... Hoping there will be more in the future
Gibbs LOL Who isn't a premium user?
dapenggaofei but every day discounting from 50 to 80 ??? it must be an error??
ErickErickErick All new users get a newbie badge. But old accounts don't.
[unknown] I'm not... My virtue is my patience lol
GodlyStudent Can you send an email to with your account information. We will check if your SS status is OK. Thanks.
lol, I just realized ss can be expired if I do not use them.
PaidThePrice Yeahh... the daily SS expires in 1 month and bonus one is 3 month..
The expiry dates are not that bad... unless you read a lot of chapters in a single day, I honestly skim read novels that have a lot of face slapping in it, and the whole explanation and overly arrogant characters talking, which hypes up the story by pissing the reader off XD. The sure fix of the expiry problem, unless it is due to technical difficulties, is to spend it all before it expires as simple as that, if it is due to technical difficulties and you feel you are being cheated then do what you want.
Isn't it quite obvious what is happening?
1. Quidian want people to buy spirit stones.
2. People prefer to watch a 15 sec ad instead.
3. Ads get removed.
4. Quidian want people to buy spirit stones.
5. People prefer to use their saved up spirit stones.
6. Spirit stones get "expired"
7. Quidian want people to buy spirit stones.
8. People buy spirit stones.
9. Quidian want people to buy MORE spirit stones.
10. Prices per chapter get increased.
11. People buy spirit stones.
12. Quidian want people to buy MORE spirit stones.
13. Price of spirit stones gets increased.
14. People buy spirit stones.
15. Quidian want people to buy MORE spirit stones.
99. People are stupid.
Companies are not your friend. They don't like you, don't love you, don't care for you. They are legal entities that exist to make the maximum amount of profit off of you that they can. This topic is a fascinating study of people passionately arguing against their own benefit. Its why point 99 exists after all.
TheDragonReborn its not like we dont want to use the stone but not everyday we waste the time to open the application or browser to spent the stone
Lonelytree so if i purchase the ss for 50 ss the option said, they will add 50 ss so totally will 100. Did the 50+ is bonuses?
Miya i used to hoard my ss when it was first implemented.. but that doesnt mean i wont be using them.. i spent all of them to read.. and the consumption beats the free ss income and i always end up in the negative. I believe that the buyers are frustrated about this expiry issue not because there are lesser to hoard but due to there will be lesser ss for them to spend. Qidian is a growing trove of precious craftsmanship, and buying ss just to keep them is just what an idiot would do..
Gibbs there's a lot of institutions that are like that. but not Qi, and it's not for the lack of trying. trust me, they're trying but it's because of people like you that instead of being fat, qi is becoming more and more anorexic.
it's not that people like you are bad, but it's just that you guys' opinions are toxic to a startup who's looking to plant their roots in the new frontier.
if qi is successful here, i'd imagine a lot of other webnovel companies will follow suit. but qi just has to be the pioneer to test out the waters, first.