Hi Im new
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It's always nice to meet new people to talk to. I'malsolonelyandI'mseverelydepressedhelpme...
Yeah covid-vacation has got us all stuck inside haha. it sucks ass
Well, if there's one thing Covid did to me, it's make me start writing again. It's something productive to do while we all wait for the plague to blow over.
MokouFriedChicken haha yeah same. I've been so bored that I've started writing again. I'm having a lot of fun doing it. Thought I'd finally share them.
Good luck with that then
RABBITICOL said the Yue bot's first generation disciple.
it's been two weeks on webnovel
And one week on forum
Am I new or old
RABBITICOL Hi I'm new here
It's good to meet new friends
ExpertNoobRS It sure is.
RABBITICOL then what are we going to do
ExpertNoobRS nothing.
RABBITICOL Are you writing any book. Please mention it if you are.
ExpertNoobRS I am not.
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RABBITICOL then you can read mine and give feedback,
ExpertNoobRS I rarely read.