Ok so I am not the only one having this problem.. I have had hundreds of chapters which I had opened up over a year ago all of a sudden lock back up and when I asked for what was going on they told me it was some how my fault and that I never unlocked the chapters... It starts at chapter 40 in each instance ..
Library Outage Problems
Guess why theres problem. Waiting that China comunist party catch and deal with hong kong fraudsters... Which by the way includes part of qidian. Nobody wants those "sugestion" adds when opening app. Which further. Messes up app.
Can I read on my kindle?
Has it been fixed already? We still have to manually remove books that we didn't add?
downloaded books are not added to the library and some book chapters are very short.
CKtalon I've have many chapters of différents books that I've already read and then i wanted to read them and I can't because they are lock, so do some of it, i read it before you started locking chapters something i understand because you need to have some gains, but I'VE ALREADY READ IT before so you shouldn't locked
I stop reading the way of the devil in the past more than half year and now when I want to check where I stop reading so I can continue it’s didn’t tell me and there locked chapter I’m 100% certain I read
And not only the way of the devil there there another one to the history number 1 founder the same problem and I unlock the chapter in spirit stone before the coin introduced
Also having this issue many chapter and stories gone even though I paid for them.
_Emprezz I have the same problem, even voting on chaptere fail