Hi! I do not know what the problem is this time but i have been continiuously asked to sigh in thrice in the last 10 minutes! I never even sigh out in the first place. I know once in a while webnovel will force you out and you have to sigh in but come on! 3 times in 10 minutes?? What new bug is this one? And i fear a fourth time is coming up! What is going on?
Just to clearify i am using the webnovel app from the android phone. For at least a year now i think.

    And that makes it the forth time! Seconds after posting this.
    I re istalled the app as well just in case.

      Same here this is my 3rd times log in..
      Everytime i read a book.. then back to my library.. it will force me log out.. then i need to log in again.. 😅😅😅

        Thankfully mine stopped kicking me out.. for now. 😊I am not sure though if re istalling the app worked.. I still got kicked out afterwards.
        Good luck!

          I can't stay signed in even for 5 min when I'm asked to sign in again.

            NightGale35 3 times in 10 mins? So nice... I got logged out every few pages in 1 chapter. Been 4 times so far.

            Same... Today it happened for four times!! Really depressing because I was reading my novel and then suddenly i was signed out by god knows who...

              Same... Today it happened for four times!! Really depressing because I was reading my novel and then suddenly i was signed out by god knows who...

                Download chapters and read offline...worked for me

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