We both have the same concern. I'm a filipino and my first created novel here
is written in tagalog. I just wanna ask, what are the benefits or compensation does an author receive in making tagalog novel? Are they being paid? Because I have read long novel here written in tagalog, I dont think they would waste their time writing without being paid, right?
YourAverageJoe hello author
I volunteer to help even though my native language is not English but my first language is English . I can writs, read, speak this language fluently.
Thank you
constancia_23 The same reason people post their story in wattpad or any other writing platform for that matter - because they want other people to read it. Posting here doesn't necessarily mean that they're in it for the money. And just FYI, even if someone posted their story here, it doesn't mean they will automaticaly receive monetary compensation for it.
Hello I have Grammatical Mistakes in my novel Can anyone help me By editing it?
Hello I have Grammatical Mistakes in my novel Can anyone help me By editing it?
_Neeraj_ how much you paying?
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People can help you edit. Once. Twice maybe? But that's about it. But it won't help you learn and unless you are paying, it's not going to make much difference in my opinion.
It's more like you have to be ready to pay quite some good amount if it's really bad or else you have to start learning by yourself if you can't/don't want to pay.
English is my third language and it took me quite a while to learn to write grammatically correct stories but eventually I did learn and today, I am able to write bearable and just fine stuff so I believe everyone can learn. Just keep writing, learning, editing and improving. That's the secret of becoming good at it.
constancia_23 I think only English written novels have a chance of getting contracted by Webnovel. I haven't seen any contracted (original or translated) novels that aren't in English so if you're looking to make money off of your novel, I don't think it'll work.
Anyone correct me if I'm wrong!
_Neeraj_ I will
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constancia_23 I think there are some Filipino authors who are getting paid here. Just like International_Pen, Feibulous. Will need a lot of views imo. Filipino writer here too! :)
My English is atrocious. Seriously, it is. Ever heard of the unrelated oxymorons? Or over the top superlatives. Yep.
So I use two tools to help me. Grammarly.com and Languagetool.com. You can download for free chrome extensions for Google docs.
They'll do the basics for you and help you train your eye to spot the errors. You learn the English grammar as you go. I think.
Veronica8 yes, I use grammarly free version and lingue to search for the right words. The advantage of lingue is that it shows you how other people are using the word in a sentence. like that you know if it is correct or not...