EldritchTheDead Hi!!! Just read this message. Sure why not, I'll go ahead and add it to my RS list. Advance apology if it may take some time, I most happen to have time in WN during weekends, workdays are so exhausting but I can read one chapter at a time 😊 you can check my review soon.

    minho_Shiny hiiii!!! I replied here instead, I'll add your story as well on my RS list, apology in advance as I only have most of my time for WN during weekends or Friday night, workdays are exhausting. You'll see my review soon 😊

      Agustusceacer Suuuurre, but it may take some time, have a lot on my RS list, but I'll add yours, as well. I have weekends and Friday night for WN 😊 my work takes most of my workdays. You'll read my review soon.

        I will review yours within few hours. Currently I'm reading someone else book and need to give a review. Right after completing it, I will read yours🙂

          Thank you and you can take your time in giving a review.
          I will review yours as soon as possible

            mrmrcia Hi very sorry for this, but I accidentally deleted your review as I wanted to delete one of my comments that was posted note than once.

            Thank you for your review even though I deleted it.

            I'll try and improve on what you said, but I'm gonna have to know do that without your review.


              TheViking5500 It's fine. :) Yes, I saw that there were like 5 similar replies in the review.
              Although, do you want me to redo that?

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