Got a new chapter out ofr War Machines.
Got a new chapter out ofr War Machines.
YoungOneStories added your story on my library as well, you can read mine by then, I will be leaving a review on your book when I read some chapter or so
Amourbooks If you want we can do a review swap rn
Here's my novel link
mrmrcia I read up until the 6th chapter, really enjoyed it. I was was also reading a story for my listed RS, also has history in it. I had to stop reading for both your novels and started with another one. I happen to not mix up the story anyhow, as long as I read them daily. I can also be refreshed of the story even after a week or a month of not reading it, if I read a new chapter. I truly admire your vocabulary on your story. I wish I could have finish the same storyline as yours with mine. I still have the written copy of it but never had the chance to finish it. Lol. I like how you describe the characters well and even if I tend to get overwhelmed with lots of name, I can get used to them as I read on, like when watching a series. Great job on your story! Don't worry, I will still continue to read it up until the current one, like I do on most of the stories in my library and on my other RS. Once I like the story, despite me being critique on grammars, punctuations and spellings, I really stick to it til the end. (I also critique my work then gets frustrated when the wordings are faulty, )
Hey so anyone wanna do review swapo with me?
Review swap but i need character review if you can do it reply with your novel name or link here is link to my novel (
Review swap but i need character review if you can do it reply with your novel name or link here is link to my novel (
neaht3 hey I've already reviewed your story, waiting for you to do the same....
minho_Shiny I'm waiting for your review on my book as I've already done reviewing your story...
Hi!! I just completed reading your book(I read 15 chapters) and posted my review. Sorry for the delay. I got caught up with my work
Hi! Interested for a review swap with me?
If yes, reply to this post.
Here's my novel:
Title: HIGH Academy:The truth untold
Hi! Care to have a review swap with me?
Here's mine:
Title:HIGH Academy:The truth untold
Reply to my post if u r interested for an RS
Hey does anyone wanna do a review swap with me, my book is still new but I'd like to know what people think so far!
My book is a romance novel, would love to review other romance books!
Title: I Can't Forget You Why Don't You Remember Me?'t-Forget-You%2C-Why-Don't-You-Remember-Me%3F
minho_Shiny I am reading one novel first for another review swap, but after that, I would love to do so!