Rahul_Singh_3879 Yes, please be patient. I am reading your full work, so I can make a valid review. :)
June 2020: Review Swap Here
You are going to be my first reviewer, so please be ............
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Anyone interested in Review swap
Book name My Empire of Dreams
Link is https://m.webnovel.com/book/17182874706915505
Discord RaSi#5317
Review mine, I will surely return the favor
Link is above
Wanna review swap?
Mine was Lumia: Other World
Review swap?
Mine was Lumia: Other World
ruffatorres OK Right now i am writing next chapter as soon as i am done will review the novel.
Mel_Aniv I will do the review soon after I complete writing chapter for my novel
I've added your book in my library.
I will start reading afterwards.
Wanna review swap?
Mine was Lumia: Other World
Okay let's swap
Like to review swap with me, bro? Just reply if you're interested, and I'll immediately read your book:
Title: Monillas: A Human Garbage
- Edited
Anyone interested in Review swap
Book name My Empire of Dreams
Link is https://m.webnovel.com/book/17182874706915505
Discord RaSi#5317
Finished yours, hope you review mine called Lumia: Other World
Finished yours, hope you review mine called Lumia: Other World
Finished yours, hope you review mine called Lumia: Other World
YoungOneStories reviewed yours, please review mine
Need 7 more reviews....
Please review mine and I will review yours once I receive the notification. Here is the link to my novel:
NotUse Done , please write a review for my novel.
Book name My Empire of Dreams
Link is https://m.webnovel.com/book/17182874706915505
Anyone else interested in review swap, then reply
YoungOneStories Sure, I won't able to review your story immediately. But I will get to it soon.