Hey guys, I will tag these who tagged me a bit later but as I am in a hurry / just wanted to say that I will review the works that people tagged me for and whoever reviewed my work so far! I reviewed one story so am heading for the second in line, heheh! :D
June 2020: Review Swap Here
Review swap?
Title: Monillas: A Human Garbage
Just reply here if you're interested and I'll immediately read your books...
Review swap?
Title: Monillas: A Human Garbage
Just reply here if you're interested and I'll immediately read your books...
I'm done! Your novel is great as well.
I am new and only got a prologue and chapter but I always believe these are pretty core to get your novel going, as such I would love to review swap and help someone else in their journey as well.
Title: Lead Them
Genre: Fantasy Reincarnation
Want to Review: Anything but I LOVE fantasy!
Link to my novel: https://www.webnovel.com/book/17317932405357405/Lead-Them
Let's have a review swap! I am willing to review swap two of my works for two of yours. I'll be the first to add a review of your novels once I'm done reading a few chapters or so.
Here are my works (1 novel, 1 fanfic)
Let's have a review swap please!
Here's my work:
minho_Shiny I have read your story till the last chapter, it's nice and have given you a genuine review.
My book name is "Blessing... of my life.." I'm not able to upload my link so do search it by it's name....
Would you like to review swap with 5stars...
Then here you go...
Ping me after you done...
Mind having a review swap with me? Here's my link:
Title: Monillas: A Human Garbage
Just reply if you're interested, and I'll immediately read your book
Morag_Xavier Mind having an RS with me? :) Thank you!
Got a new chapter out ofr War Machines.
YoungOneStories added your story on my library as well, you can read mine by then, I will be leaving a review on your book when I read some chapter or so
Amourbooks If you want we can do a review swap rn
Here's my novel link https://www.webnovel.com/book/15161511206344505
mrmrcia I read up until the 6th chapter, really enjoyed it. I was was also reading a story for my listed RS, also has history in it. I had to stop reading for both your novels and started with another one. I happen to not mix up the story anyhow, as long as I read them daily. I can also be refreshed of the story even after a week or a month of not reading it, if I read a new chapter. I truly admire your vocabulary on your story. I wish I could have finish the same storyline as yours with mine. I still have the written copy of it but never had the chance to finish it. Lol. I like how you describe the characters well and even if I tend to get overwhelmed with lots of name, I can get used to them as I read on, like when watching a series. Great job on your story! Don't worry, I will still continue to read it up until the current one, like I do on most of the stories in my library and on my other RS. Once I like the story, despite me being critique on grammars, punctuations and spellings, I really stick to it til the end. (I also critique my work then gets frustrated when the wordings are faulty, )