Title: Quick Transmigration: Destiny Plays a Part

Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/17502219405199305

Genres: System, Fantasy, Comedy, Romance, Quick Transmigration


Yue Ling, a girl from unknown origins found herself in a foreign environment once she woke up. A System approached her.

System: Welcome, candidate host! I know you are skeptical, in disbelief, indignant... But, please trust this honest System and sign a contract with me to be an official Host!

Yue Ling: En, sign it, sign it. Rather, this room is too bright. Lower the lighting, my eyes hurt.

System: ... The stories I heard from senior hosts, how their candidates are always rebellious at the start... Seems to be a lie?

Senior Systems: Lies, what lies?! Clearly your candidate is the broken one! Nerf her, she seduced my Host and made her fail a mission!

Other info: I have five chapters as of now, so I will also read five chapters of your story. Reply to me if you're interested!

    _VA_ Hey sorry for delay. Was stuck in office work. I must say though wonderful story. I left my review after reading 5 chps and i think i am going to read it till end. :)

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