Hey DZSC, I just read your story. Man, it's professionally written. Is this for a WPC?
When you have time, please leave me a review. =)'m-invincible-now%3F_17359640206657005
Thank you!
July 2020: Review Swap Here
Readoholic Done! I liked your charas and your descriptive writing too
Review swap anyone?
red_grapes link please!
red_grapes i have the link! Reviewing it today
Daisy_T down! Will review your novel tmrw
Shadow_Hunter0327 I just read yours and its very nerve racking! (in a good way tho lmao)
Absolutely brilliant, I've added a review.
Hey guys I'm lookibg to do review swaps on my book its called
War-torn: The Reborn
This is my book everyone. I welcome any reviews swaps and adds.
The name of my book is Mrs Zhang Hello
- Edited
soh_mie would you like to swap?
If anyone else wants to swap, just tag me :)
Anyone care for a swap? Review either of these two, and I'll get back to you.
Least Common Denominator:
The CEO's Son is a Serial Killer:
GloriouslyFamous Done! The story is lit by the way! I'll add it to my library.
Review Swap for Claire-voyant anyone? It's just a couple of chapter long right now but yeah!
Want to swap? My work is also only a couple of chapter long rn
Here's mine:
Donitol Hi! Would you like to swap? Mine is fairly new so it'll be a quick read
Here's the link:
As I've mentioned before, I will review swap once said author reviews my novel. No point in going through the hassle if no one returns the favor. :)
myona_ Done! The story is interesting so far. Keep it up!
Here's mine BTW: