17 days later
5 days later

believe or not i actually continue my last study of mandarin call "mandarin 3" back when im in collage. For now using android app, pc app and web translate to learn. Going to proper class soon. Not fun. For the sake reading this novel. This is how bad i want it translated

17 days later
8 days later
19 days later

Misguided_Rooster maybe GT or WW but either two doesn't really try to take it and here i still hope it will be translated soon, i like the system and background, every system like tech related or modern background i will read it, sadly Qidian never take my word and as a matter of fact there a serious racism in tech related novel so maybe that was the cause they didn't bring it here

    come on guys push it to the top of topic xD

      Awesome novel. Loved reading it. Hope WN translates this!
      My Ranch was also good ...
      Cool mc in both novels.
      I love those tech novels and strategy novels and the farming novels as well....

        4 days later

        kishenkp yup my ranch was one of the novel that i regrest being dropped, cuz the TL drop it at cliff hanger :'(

        7 days later

        so i just login my discord this morning in my office and i saw the translator of Monster Factory online so i just try and if he will reply again and yeah this was the answer why he dissappear and one more thing is the TL right a full time worker

        17 days later
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