Swords and sabers I prefer, however the lack of archer light novels makes me want to have more about bows.

    3 months later
    18 days later

    an axe maybe or an umbrella would be super cool but maybe like a pair of kukri would be cool

      7 months later

      This discussion was actually pretty interesting until about half way. 😂
      It also gives some pretty good inspiration for weapons.

      As for me, a white-silver scythe contracted/bound to magical chains which can act on their own and multiply. :) .....That's literally the future final weapon for the MC in my story. XD What can I say, writers live out their fantasies in their writing. We write the books we want to read.

        In Zaldizko, the MC used dual silver magnum 45 handguns with magically reloading bullet chambers.

        The bullet material was made from a demonic critter parasite (dermaleeches) that caused the target area to implode or combust when hit due to viral/chemical reactions. It's a form of biological weaponry.
        Other weapons were Claymores, longsword and koto swords fashion from dermaleeches that some characters used.

        Another of my favorite was a compact mirror called a portspell that displaced people and things.

        Yeah my junks pretty out there.

        6 months later

        I really like assassination type weapons so senbon needles, daggers, short katanas! But sometimes I like going for more elengant so rapiers and fans would be cool too!!!!😆

          Hmm... my favorite weapons... I think the sword in general, whether it's katana or even machete, remains a good old classic.
          After that in the weapons I like, I liked Subaru's whip (Re:Zero) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , the flute (for Pan).
          Then in medieval weapons, there are a lot of them that are interesting and yet little used, like the halberd (for its size, its range, but also for the violence of the weapon), the swordfish/espadon (for its monstrously long size for a sword although it's light) or the glaive, short weapon a little too sharp for the good of its own carrier (who can easily penetrate armours).

            They can be used to defend, attack and look awesome.

            They are overrated, but still work sometimes.
            -Too heavy tho.

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