
  • Jun 13, 2021
  • Joined Nov 15, 2017
  • I have a question for the novels with "privileged" chapters what is the release rate? Cause I know that you can check release rates on the novels info but I was wondering if it says 7 chaps a week does that mean 7 privileged chapters a week which you have to get the privilege to be able to unlock or does that mean 7 regular chapters a week which I only need to use SS to unlock ? When do the novels get released from privilege? Does it follow the release rate or what ?

    • Okay I can understand the site trying to make money and I support them with buying SS and getting the membership when it was available and I am okay with novels going premium in an effort to get more money to be able to pay the translator more so they can do it full time or whatever but what I will not tolerate is this shameless money grab that is privilege so not only do you have premium so that I need to pay for every chapter I read but I also need to pay again for those privileged chapters this is pure BS like are you fucking serious at this rate QI is gonna charge us for every second we have the damn fucking app open like its bullshit to charge for literally every little thing you do and being such a large corporation you would think they would stop being so godamn money hungry

    • Misguided_Rooster it was a bit weird but i think that if you kept reading it would make sense with the whole rainbow league thing and the eastern sects like its such an interesting setting that i really regret that it got dropped cause i could sense such huge potential within it for there to be an amazing story truly a diamond in the rough

      • Caretaker lols i started to write after running out of stuff to read cause sometimes these novels pissed me off so damn much so i wanted to make one that i was happy with lols

        • Yo QI should pick this up they could easily i mean the translator desperately wants to continue this but QI ripped it off of gravity tales and was slack as all fuck with contacting him regarding whether he could continue to translate it or not and this is why im honestly starting to hate QI like they monopolize all these novels but they dont even translate them like they forced volare to drop gdk and didnt even pick it up and now theyre fucking up gravity tales while cannibalizing it for all its novel i think QI should start to be more responsible if they make someone drop a novel they should atleast pick it up instead of doing it just to be a bully and stop stealing Wuxia Worlds translations you dick

          • i usually just pick up another novel lols i will read it till the current chapter and then read another one while waiting and once that is done ill just keep devouring novels until i forget the original novel and then when i remember i go back and theres a couple hundred chapters its like a magic trick !!!

            • I dont know if anyone has read Zither Emperor it seems like not really popular but honestly if you guys gave it a try im sure you guys will be hooked i didnt really have any high hopes for it when i read it but its seriously one of the better xianxia novels out there and something that should be taken seriously it starts off a bit slow but it gets really really interesting and the story is well plotted and the cultivation is interesting and isnt a repeat of everyone like houtian xiantian foundation core and then severing soul or something like that its a bit of a mix of western magic and eastern magic so theres qi but theres also like mana so super cool blend in this novel

            • an axe maybe or an umbrella would be super cool but maybe like a pair of kukri would be cool

              • and if you want to make things a bit more interesting you can make the fire or element have different properties based on the "dao" of the cultivator for example if someones a fire cultivator if they focus on the destructive properties of fire then the fire they create would be deadly without equal burning everything if they think of it more as a tool for progress and such it would be more creative and sturdy ? and like if they see water as a deadly ocean that causes terrible storm its a deadly weapon but if they see water as life giving its a healing element and if they see light as a utility element then it would boost others powers but if they see it as lightning or the sun it would raze the ground around them more focused on their interpretation of the element than the actual element makes it a bit easier to have more depth in your characters to by voicing out what their possible mindsets would be

              • you could make them based on like 4 main elements similar to avatar and have rarer elements for example ice lightning magma come out occasionally and make mc avatar like with ability to wield all elements potentially ? or an interesting idea is like everyone gets kind of like a dantian and in it is the ability they wield whether it be fire or water or earth but mc has an animal in there ? and he can combine and summon it and use it to manipulate the elements maybe ? make him a summoner in a world of elements ?

              • xurimx just the shock and its interesting to see how they would solve the problem you know like in absolute choice the mc is given a number of choices and he can pick them and he must accomplish that outcome if not he goes back and tries again sometimes he could be trapped for ages until he figures it out

                • UnhingedTaboo hmm okay interesting guidelines what if my ability allows me to the dark matter thats giving them these abilities so i can use it to strengthen my own body or i can use it to replicate effects of others powers and like level 1 i can copy but the copy is flawed or weakened or i can only wield a limited amount of dark matter and it further scales up or another interesting thing i could wield would be light or the wind

                  • takeshi_zaizen yea i know honestly i fear death so i want immortality but theres sooo many problems with that so im not sure i would want it but i dont want to die

                    • did anyone else buy spirit stones and have them disappear on you ? cause i had like 500 left and i got on today and they were gone

                      • find a novel or something like that you like think about the flaws of it and put your own spin on it i usually feel that takes me in decent direction

                        • zswaleh well i mean just seems like youre a ragdoll to life i dont know about you but i dont wanna be thrown around like that

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