August 2020: Review Swap Here
Bro Iets swap. I'll leave a review now at your book
Here's mine
Drapetomaniac12 I reviewed your book and voted on all the chapters, thanks for the swap!
LAjames umm, commented on some*
I have reviewed yours too. Have a good day
therealSkywolf202 I'll do a swap
Drakonous Do you want to swap reviews?
Your novel has a lot of chapters so it will take me atleast a week to read and review it. Will that be okay? Here's mine:
Sup guys anyone up for review swap?'t-fly_17646911005047705
Nadira_Hassen I have reviewed your book. Loved it !
Here's mine:
Anyone interested???
World x Unknown
Genre: action, monsters, comedy, R-18, supernatural
Did you know that this world has a secret, one which was kept hidden from you for a good reason, but now if your willing to listen I'm going to tell you that secret. We aren't alone on this planet, far from it. Ever since the don of time, we were nothing but pray to the vicious monsters od the darkness. They kill and devour us for no reason, make our lives a living hell, but don't worry, there is a reason you didn't know about their existence up until now, and that was because of a brave group of man and women who made it their duty to hunt down those creatures and keep you safe. They are The Monster Hunter Core.
Drapetomaniac12 Thank you! Reviewed yours too, it's awesome!