Thank you. I just reviewed your book.
August 2020: Review Swap Here
I will review your books tomorrow, sorry it's too late to use phone
Joy I will review both of your works
I had saved your book in my library. I have just reviewed your book.
Please see mine
I will review your book in a few days. I have saved it to my library so that I don't miss it.
RenuKakkar It's added to my library as well. Will review it by evening.
missileor Review done
Will do. I’ll start reading as soon as possible. Please be patient.
Omo_Comforts hey are you up for review swap
Hi. Anyone interested in swapping is welcome. here is my book.
Title: Atypical
Bram is just waking up in what seems to be his childhood home. With no memories, it's up to him and his thoughts to navigate this world and become free to do what they can to recover their memories.
Immortal_eve4 Posted a review is you're up to review mine here's my link
itsmeTuba I like honest review swaps (since I do the same lmao! but no violent reacts more like readers/authors' feed)
if you're interested in swapping here links:
A word of caution for Appetite! (its BL and its writing is fairly loose compared to the other one since its only spell checked. Let me know if you're up for it.
MikruZero Left you a revieew, hope it helps
I'm glad actually. Now I can improve more thanks to you!!
Up for a swap? I've got a new novel and I need some opinions~
It's just a 6c story for now, so it should be a fast and easy read!
LyingCrowPromises yup.. We can swap
here are the links
Omo_Comforts I am yup.. Can you please dom mine as well
here are the links